

You can maintain complete database of your customers in this Accounts Module. You can add every minute details of the particular account and can associate Contacts, Contracts and Products for the corresponding Account. Also, if you have the accounts database in external source, you can easily import it into  Support.

Add Account

You can maintain your entire account of your customers in  Support. To add an account, do the following:

  1. Click Accounts tab.
  2. In the Accounts List page, click Add Accounts from top right corner.
  3. In the Add Account page, provide the below details:
    • The Account Owner name is prefilled.
    • Specify Account Name which is mandatory.
    • Enter the Phone, Email, Fax and Website of the particular account.
    • Choose the Industry type from the drop down box.
    • Enter the Annual Revenue of the company.
    • Provide the address information as City, Street, Code, Province and Country.
    • Enter the Description related to the account.
  4. Click Save or Save and Add New.

Following an Account

You can follow customer accounts to view and track the tickets received from them.

To follow an account

  1. Select the Accounts module in  Support
  2. In the Accounts List page, select an account to view its details
  3. In the Account Detail page, click Follow from the header

View Activities of a Followed Account

You can view tickets and its activities, received from a followed account in the Notification Center.

To access the Notification Center

  1. Click lookup-icon located from the top right corner in  Support
  2. In the Notification Center drop-box, you can view the activities pertaining to the ticket received from a followed account
  3. Click an activity feed to view the ticket and read through its comments if any

Un-following an Account

Typically, an agent can unfollow accounts when they no longer wish to see their ticket or task activities in the Notification Center.

To un-follow an Account

  1. Select the Accounts module in  Support
  2. In the Accounts List page, select an account to view its details
  3. In the Account Detail page, click Un-follow from the header

Associate with Accounts

Add Comments

You can add comments as notes to provide any technical information about the account. You can create multiple comments for a single account. To add comments, do the following:

  1. Click on the account from the Accounts Home page.
  2. In the [Accounts] page, click Comments tab.
  3. In the text box that appears, type your message.
  4. Click Save.

After adding a comment, the user id and the time when the file is added are displayed.

Edit Comments

If you want to change something you wrote, you can edit the comment you left on an account.

You can edit comments only if you have the Edit permission for Comments.

To edit comments

  1. Click the Accounts tab.
  2. In the Accounts Home page, select the account.
  3. In the Account Details page, under Comments section, click  .
  4. Make your changes and click Save beneath your comment.

Delete Comments

Occasionally, you may need to remove the unnecessary comments from an account in  Support for a better user experience. You may consider deleting the comments that are not useful for future reference.

You can delete comments only if you have the Delete permission for Comments.

To delete comments

  1. Click the Accounts tab.
  2. In the Accounts Home page, select the account.
  3. In the Account Details page, under Comments section, click  .
  4. In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK to delete the comment permanently.


You can attach any type of files and any number of files to a single account. To attach a file, do the following:

  1. Open an account from Accounts Home page.
  2. Click Attachment > Add Attachment.
  3. Select the file from outside resources. After adding a file, the user id and the time when the file is added are displayed.

Associate Contacts

You can associate contact point of the Account under the Contact tab.

  1. Open an account from the Accounts Home Page.
  2. Click Add Contact from the top pane.
  3. If you have already added contacts in the contacts module, then
    • Select any Contact that is displayed.
    • Click Associate Contacts button.

Associate Contracts

You can associate a contract pertaining to an account in this tab.

  1. Open an Account from the Accounts Home Page.
  2. Click Add SLA to this Account from the right pane.
  3. In the SLA & Contract page , fill in the below details:
    • Contract Owner is already filled.
    • Enter Contract Name.
    • Type Contract Number.
    • Type the Product Name associated with the Account.
    • Enter the Description to provide any technical information.
    • If required, enter Expiry Notification details.
      • Select Agent to Notify from the drop down list.
      • Provide the number of days before which you need to be Notified.
  4. Click Save.

Associate Products

  1. Open an Account from the Accounts Home Page.
  2. Click Product and then click Associate a product now.
  3. Select any of the product(s) listed.
  4. Click Associate Product.

Edit Account

You can edit the Account either from the Accounts Home page or from the individual [Account] page.

To edit from the Accounts Home page, do the following:

  1. Move your mouse pointer over the particular account you want to edit.
  2. Click .
  3. Do the required changes in the Edit Account Page in the respective fields.
  4. Click Save or Save and Add New.

To edit from the [Account] page, do the following:

  1. Open any Account from Accounts Home Page.
  2. In the [Account] page, click the bearing icon and then click Edit Account.
  3. Do the required changes in the Edit Account page in the respective fields.
  4. Click Save or Save and Add New.

Delete Account

You can delete an account from the Accounts Home Page or from individual [Account] page. Also, it is possible to delete two or more accounts simultaneously.

To delete an account from Accounts Home page, do the following:

  1. Move your mouse pointer over any particular account.
  2. Click deleteicon that appears.
  3. Click OK on the confirmation message. The account will be deleted.

To delete an account from [Accounts] page, do the following:

  1. From the Accounts Home page, open any account.
  2. Click the bearing icon and then click Delete Account.
  3. Click OK on the confirmation message. The account will be deleted.

Sort Accounts

You can do the sorting in ascending or descending order by following the below steps:

  1. In the Accounts Home Page, move your mouse pointer over the Sort by Menu.
  2. Sort the Accounts by selecting any of the below options:
  • Phone
  • Email
  • Account Name
  • Website
  • Created Time
  • Modified Time

The sorted accounts appears which is displayed in the ascending or descending order.

You can sort the Accounts in either ascending or descending order. Move your mouse pointer on Sort By and click  or  that appears to sort in ascending or descending order.

  • All Accounts
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