Adding a new embed

Adding a new embed

While you can plug the same embed onto multiple pages of code, or in your template to appear on all of your pages. You also have the flexibility to create new embeds and specifically design those chat portals for specific pages, products, departments or subsets of customers.

You want to create an embed specifically for members of your VIP plan. You can place this portal only on your VIP plans page on your website behind your secure login, giving only these select customers access to this specific chat.

With the ability to create and customize multiple embeds, the possibilities of what you can do, and how you can organize, segment and connect with your customers is endless.

To create a new embed:


  1. Go to "Settings".
  2. In the Web Embed section, click on the "Add" button.
  3. Enter the name of your new embed.
  4. Choose to associate the embed with a specific department, or choose the “allow users to select department” option.
  5. Add a Welcome Message.
  6. Once you are finished configuring the details of the new embed, Click on the"Generate" button. 
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