Advanced Live Chat Configurations

Advanced Live Chat Configurations

We built Visitor tracking and live chat from the ground-up to be live chat software that empowers your team to work together, engage with your customers and website visitors, drastically improve the speed, efficiency and quality of your customer support.

We also focused intently on making sure it was easy-to-use for both you and your customers. Yet at the same time, we engineered advanced, powerful features to give you greater depth of what you can do through  Visitor tracking and live chat.

Below is our guide to help you configure some of these advanced settings to get the best fit and most power out of your Visitor tracking and live chat.

Your Visitor tracking and live chat Portal Settings

Advanced settings for Live Chat allows you to personalize chat settings according to your business needs. Advanced chat configuration includes setting your type status, sharing files, viewing chat statistics, collecting chat feedback, recording chat transcripts and a lot more.

To access your portal settings:


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the "Portal Settings" section, you can find your configuration options for your Visitor chat window under the "Visitor Chat Window Configuration section".
  3. Switch any of the options on (a check mark) or off (an X) by clicking whichever icon is currently displayed.
  4. Any changes you make in this section will apply across your entire live chat portal, including all agents, departments and embeds.

The visitor chat window settings you can configure:


  1. Notify typing status to Visitor - Share the agent's typing status with a customer
  2. Send File to Visitor - Allows your support rep to share files across chat with your customers
  3. Push Page to Visitor - Allows your support rep to share a URL during a chat session
  4. Email Visitor Information - Allows a support rep to share customer information like region, browser details etc. via e-mail
  5. Google Translation - Allows your support rep to get an visitor message instantly translated to agent language and Vise Versa through google translation. 
  6. Visitor Chat transcript- This option will send the Chat transcript to the Visitor on completing the chat session, Automated, Manual, Both and None are options given by Visitor tracking and live chat for sending the Visitor chat transcript.
    • Automated – Chat transcript will be sent to the visitor automatically on ending a chat session.
    • Manual – Allows the visitor to manually send the chat transcript on completing the chat session.
    • Both – The visitor can send the chat transcript manually on completing chat session, however the visitor will also get an automated chat transcript on selecting this option.
    • None – The visitor will not have an option to get the Chat transcript.

Agent Availability Configuration

Visitor tracking and live chat allows the administrator to control the agent chat activity and the idle timeout

Treat idle agents as offline

 Visitor tracking and live chat allows the administrator to control the idle time of an agent. This enables the chat widget to go offline after a certain time, when the agent is not available leaving the Visitor tracking and live chat logged in.


Set agent idle time

You can now select a time from the list to set the inactive period for an agent to set the status to idle.


Agent Concurrent chat Limit

This configuration allows you to set the maximum number of concurrent chats for an agent at a particular time. On reaching the limit the agent status will be changed to engaged.


Email Configurations

Other portal settings configure the e-mail communications your Visitor tracking and live chat can automatically send, to keep you, your agents, and others in your company informed of important data from your live support chat operation.

To access and edit your e-mail configurations:


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the Portal Settings section, scroll down to the "e-mail configuration" section.
  3. For each configuration, click the e-mail address field to edit the specific address. Or click the check mark icon on the right of each section, to disable a specific e-mail configuration.

Your e-mail configurations allow you to:


  1. From E-mail Address – Define an e-mail address which you want to display while sending emails from Visitor tracking and live chat such as replying to visitor's missed chat, Daily Statistics, Chat Transcript once a support session is completed, Missed Visitor Notifications and Visitor Feedback.
  2. E-mail Copier - Define an e-mail address, which you want to mark automatically while replying to the visitors.
  3. Daily Statistics – Choose whether, or not, to receive a daily report of statistics from your live chat operation, and where to deliver these statistics.  
  4. Block IP Notification - Receive an e-mail alert when an agent blocks an IP address from initiating live chats.
  5. Check/Uncheck Customer Feedback – Deliver the feedback your customers leave about your live chat agents to a specified e-mail address.
  6. Check/Uncheck Chat Transcript - Distribute complete transcripts of your live chats to a specified e-mail address when each chat session is completed.
  7. Check/Uncheck Missed Visitor Notifications – Notify a specific e-mail address, when a customer’s live chat request is unanswered.
  8. Signature chat - Add an E- mail signature to all the mails sent to your visitors to chat back in one click, you could choose your desired email signature. (Abyss, Blast, Ebony, Eclipse, Ecstasy, Luna, Wilderness. Selecting none will not add any e- mail signature.

Note: You can add multiple e-mail addresses to these fields, by adding a comma and then typing the next e-mail address.

Changing Portal Owner

You can change the portal owner at any time, with an agent who has an administrator role. If you don’t have an agent with administrator role, you have to change the role of the existing agent to an administrator. You can also add a new agent with an administrator role.


  1. Click on the "Settings".
  2. Now in the "Company" section click on the link 'Change owner'.
  3. You can see all the agents who has administrator role in that portal. 
  4. Select the required agent.

Note: Only an existing "Portal Owner" can assign his ownership to another agent.

Defining Departments inside your Live Support Chat

To better organize your Live Support operation, and maximize the ability to connect with customers, we made it easy to create Departments within your Visitor tracking and live chat. Add all your customer supporting departments inside Visitor tracking and live chat, and each Department can have their own, dedicated chat widget. Specify groupings of agents for each department to ensure the right agent answers every chat.  

When you created your Visitor tracking and live chat the system automatically generated a default department, which will have the same name as your portal. 

Departments can either be public or private. Public departments are visible to your visitors and give you the ability to create embeds for these departments. Private departments are only seen by those inside your company, and are for back office agents, where agents from public departments can transfer chats to these private departments when necessary. 

To add a new department


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the "Departments" section, click the “+ Add” button.
  3. Add the Department name and description.
  4. Choose whether this department will be "Public" or "Private".
  5. Add users to the department by selecting the user from the display box
  6. Click "Add" to create the new department.

Managing and Adding agents to your Department

You can add agents to your department from the list or you can search an agent with their Email Address.


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the "Departments" section, click the “+ Add” button.
  3. Add the Department name and description.
  4. Choose whether this department will be "Public" or "Private".
  5. Move down to "Manage agents for this department" and select the agent from the list below or search through entering the agent email address.
  6. Click "Add" to create the new department.

Department Based email Settings

Department settings configure the e-mail communications. Your SalesIQ can automatically send, to keep you, your agents, and others in your company informed of important data from your live support chat operation.


  • Click "Settings".
  • In the "Department" Settings section, scroll down to the "e-mail configuration section".
  • For each configuration, click the e-mail address field to edit the specific address. Or click the check mark icon on the right of each section, to disable a specific e-mail configuration.
  1. From E-mail Address - Define the e-mail address you want to display while replying to visitors' missed chat requests.
  2. E-mail Copier - Define an e-mail address which you want to mark automatically while replying to the visitors.
  3. Block IP Notification - Receive an e-mail alert when an agent blocks an IP address from initiating live chats.
  4. Visitor Feedback - Deliver the feedback your customers leave about your live chat agents to a specified e-mail address.
  5. Chat Transcript - Distribute complete transcripts of your live chats to a specified e-mail address when each chat session is completed.
  6. Missed Visitor Notifications – Notify a specific e-mail address, when a customer’s live chat request is unanswered.

Note: You can add multiple e-mail addresses to these fields, by adding a comma and then typing the next e-mail address.

To view and edit the configured department


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the "Departments" section, hover over your department and Click the "Pencil Icon" that pops up.
  3. Here you can edit the department name, description, and choose whether the department is Public or Private. You can also manage the users of this department below.
  4. Click "Update" to save the changes you have made.

To Disable the configured department

You can disable the configured department when it is no longer required or if you would like to freeze it for some time.


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the "Departments" section, hover over your department and Click the "Pencil Icon" that pops up.
  3. Towards the top right click the "Disable" button.

To Enable the configured department

You can Renable the configured department in SalesIQ at any time on need after disabling it.


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the "Departments" section, hover over your department and Click the "Pencil Icon" that pops up.
  3. Towards the top right click the "Enable" button.

Agent Roles

To help your live chat customer support operation run more smoothly, we give you to power to organize your resources effectively. With the ability to add your team members, and configuring them into one of three roles, you will be able to find the optimal structure for your live chat operation. 

Administrators have the power to perform any action in your SalesIQ, access all information and edit any configuration.

Supervisors can not make any changes to the SalesIQ, but they are able to view all the data inside your operation.

Associate connect and chat with customers and deliver solutions. You can limit what data they have access to, and they can’t delete or edit any records.

To change a agent’s role:


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the "Agents" section, hover over the user you wish to edit and click the "pencil icon" to edit. Or click the Agent’s name and from their page, click Edit at the top right.
  3. Select your required "Role" list.
  4. Click "Update" to save your changes.

To associate an agent to a department


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the "Agents" section, click an agent’s name to view his/her details.
  3. Click "Edit" at the top right, to view and edit an agent's details.
  4. Scroll down to the "Choose Related Department" section and choose from your department list which to associate the current agent with. If you don’t see the department you are looking for, you can search for it in the included search box.
  5. Once you have added all the departments you want to associate with a specific agent. Click "Update" to record your settings.

Choosing Agent Language

You can choose your own language, SalesIQ supports eight languages.

  • French
  • German
  • Turkish
  • Russian
  • Japanese
  • Portuguese
  • Chinese
  • Spanish
  • Danish
  • Greek
  • Hungarian
  • Italian
  • Dutch
  • Polish
  • Swedish
  • Vietnamese


  1. Click "My profile".
  2. Click the "Edit" button at the top right.
  3. Then choose a language, which you prefer.
  4. If you select the option choose language  SalesIQ will take the browser language as default.

Agents Performance Report

The Agent performance section is a robust dashboard that gives you a feel for everything going on throughout your entire Live Customer Support Chat operation.

When you enter the Reports module, by clicking My Profile on the left-hand navigation, you will automatically enter the Performance Report dashboard below the main profile. By default the dashboard will be displaying the reports for the current day only.

But you are not limited to only viewing reports for Today only, and it is easy to change the range you run any report.


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the profile page, scroll down and click "Performance Report" to display the report.
  3. Change the input data for the reports by clicking the two drop-down menus, one for department filtering, and the other for choosing the time period for the report.
  4. The reports will load automatically.

By default the agent performance report displays an agent’s activity across all departments and for the current day but you can manipulate the input source, either by specifying a particular department, or choosing a different time frame like Yesterday, This Week, Last Week, This month or Last month.

Internal Agent Chat History

You can view the internal chat history, which you had between your agents.


  1. Click "My profile".
  2. Click "Internal Chat history".
  3. Then a click on the chat to view the transcript which you prefer, will be displayed in the right side.

Blocking spammers and harassers from their source

Sadly, not everyone who initiates a live chat with your SalesIQ will be a customer or interested visitor. Sometimes you will find spammers or other harassing personalities will attempt to annoy you by conducting non-genuine live chats with your agents.

When you encounter these problem visitors, we want to ensure they don’t ever waste another second of your valuable time. Cut them off by blocking their IP address from initiating future chat requests. Both administrators and agents have the power to blacklist a specific IP address, while an administrator must approve an agent’s action first.

To block an IP address from initiating chats to your  SalesIQ:


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the Blocked IPs section click "+Add".
  3. Enter the IP address you want to block and add a comment about the reason for blocking.
  4. Click "Save" to record your settings. 

Visitors from the black-listed IP addresses cannot access your embedded chat widgets in SalesIQ.

Note: IP blocking has to be approved by a user with supervisor or administrator role, if the user with associate role blocks it.

To block someone directly from the chat window:


  1. Click "More Actions" in that specific live chat’s display window.
  2. Click "Block IP".
  3. Click Confirm, to finalize the IP block.

To reverse an IP block:


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the Blocked IPs section, click on the specific "IP address" you want to unblock.
  3. Click "Unblock" at the top right.

To delete a specific IP block:


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the Blocked IP section, click on the specific IP address you want to delete from your blocking records.
  3. Click "Delete".
  4. Confirm, by clicking Yes to remove the IP address from your blacklist and records.

Note: You can block a specific IP addresses from either one embed, or from all your embeds, depending upon the reason for the blacklist.

Using more of SalesIQ’s advanced features

Though it is easy to use, and designed to meet the live chat needs of small teams, don’t be fooled by SalesIQ. It is far from a shallow offering, and even offers some advanced features that can provide added value to your live support operation.

Transferring Chats to other Agents and Depatments

Because you aren’t always the right agent to answer a specific question, or you need to take a break or leave for the day, we give you the power to easily transfer an ongoing live chat to another agent.



To transfer a chat to another agent:

  1. Inside the chat view window, click "more actions".
  2. Click "Transfer This Chat".
  3. Select the agent you wish to transfer the chat to from the list. If you can’t find the specific agent you need, use the included search to locate them. Click that agent.
  4. Now that you have selected the agent, you can leave that agent insight about your current chat session by leaving a helpful comment in the description area.
  5. Click "Transfer" to hand over the chat.

To transfer a chat to another Department:

  1. Inside the chat view window, click "more actions".
  2. Click "Transfer This Chat".
  3. Select the Department you wish to transfer the chat to from the list. If you can’t find the specific department you need, use the included search to locate them. Click that agent.
  4. Now that you have selected the Department, you can leave that agent in that department an insight about your current chat session by leaving a helpful comment in the description area.
  5. Click "Transfer" to hand over the chat.

Monitoring Chats

To ensure your live customer support chat operation continually runs smoothly, we engineered the ability to monitor chats through your SalesIQ. You have the option of configuring filters to monitor chats in different ways.

You can monitor all chats a specific agent is conducting with customers. Or set up a filter to monitor incoming chats for a specific site visitor, to track how your agents are handling specific customers. Even monitor all incoming chats from a specific IP address.

To monitor an agent’s chats:


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the Chat Monitor section, click "Add".
  3. Choose Agent as the monitor type.
  4. Choose which agent you want to monitor from the drop down menu.
  5. Click "Save" to create the new monitor.

To monitor all chats from a specific site visitor:


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the Chat Monitor section, click "Add".
  3. Choose Site Visitor as the monitor type.
  4. Enter the e-mail address of the visitor you want to monitor.
  5. Click "Save" to create the new monitor.

To monitor live chats initiated from a specific IP address:


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the Chat Monitor section, click "Add".
  3. Choose IP Address as the monitor type.
  4. Enter the IP address you want to monitor.
  5. Click "Save" to create the new monitor.

To disable a monitor:


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the Chat Monitor section, click the name of the monitor you want to disable.
  3. In the details view of your monitor, click "Disable" at the top right.

To delete a monitor:


  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the Chat Monitor section, hover over the name of the monitor you want to delete and click the "Trash Can Icon".

Business hours

Now you can set your working hours in SalesIQ and make sure your chat widget go offline, after your business hours even when your agents are logged in. Acknowledge your availability and give your customers a better sense of when they can expect a personal response to their chat requests. You can enhance your workflow by specifying business hours.

To set business hours

  • Click “settings”
  • In the company section hover over Business hours click “configure” 


  1. Mark a region on the weekly calendar table and hit “save” to make your embed go offline after the marked region. 
  2. You can also hide the chat widget after your business hours just by “enabling” the option hide below your business hour table.
  3. The grayed out area are the business hours suggested from SalesIQ.
  4. Business hours can be disabled at any time by checking the “Disable” link in the top right.


  • If you hit "save" without selecting the business hours, will put your embeds offline through out the time.
  • Be careful while saving with the option “hide”, on blank business hours. This will hide your embed in all your websites through out the time.
  • Businesss hours will work based on the time zone configured in your company settings.
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