An example of how to, Set an Intelligent Trigger in your Web site

An example of how to, Set an Intelligent Trigger in your Web site

n the following example, two types of visitors will be triggered in two different ways.

  • In the first rule, when the visitor lands on your website and if the current page of the visitor contains zillium.html in the URL, then a chat invite stating the name of the agent and the message they like to show the visitor will be triggered in 5 seconds.
  • In the second rule, if the visitor is accessing the pricing page of your website suddenly leaves the page and navigate to another page. Then, you set a rule to trigger him with a message on the next page after 5 seconds and bring him back to the pricing page and close the deal.


The rules follow a top-down execution method, whichever rule first matches the visitor criteria will be executed.

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