Add Comment
You can add comments as notes to provide any technical information to the agents related to the article in itself. You can leave multiple comments for an article.
To add a comment, do the following:
- Select an article from the Help Center home page.
- In the [Article] page, type your message in the comment area.
- Click Save. After adding a comment, the user ID and the time of adding the comment will be displayed.
You can also choose to display the comment in the self-service portal.
Edit Comments
If you want to change something you wrote, you can edit the comment you left on an article.
You can edit comments only if you have the Edit permission for Comments.
To edit comments
- Click the HelpCenter tab.
- In the HelpCenter Home page, select the article.
- In the HelpCenter Details page, under Comments section, click
. - Make your changes and click Save beneath your comment.
Delete Comments
Occasionally, you may need to remove the unnecessary comments from an article in Support for a better user experience. You may consider deleting the comments that are not useful for future reference.
You can delete comments only if you have the Delete permission for Comments.
To delete comments
- Click the HelpCenter tab.
- In the HelpCenter Home page, select the article.
- In the HelpCenter Details page, under Comments section, click
. - In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK to delete the comment permanently.
Add Attachment
You can attach any type of files and any number of files to an article.
To attach a file, do the following:
- Open an article from Help Center home page.
- Click the Attachment tab and then click Add Attachment.
- Select an attachment from your external resource. After adding an attachment, the user ID and the time of attaching the file will be displayed.