Automation in Visitor tracking & Live chat module

Automation in Visitor tracking & Live chat module

Now you can automate your real time sales operations like Monitoring a Sales chat, Route visitors to Sales executives, and also automate the visitor engagement in your Visitor tracking & Live chat.

  • Intelligent Triggers: Set different types of triggers and perform some action when the visitor visits your website and increase the sales and customer service in your website.
  • Visitor Routing: Separate and route the visitors visiting your website to different agents according to the capability and decrease the traffic of the website visitors.
  • Chat Monitor: Now automate the process of monitoring your agents or visitors by specifying in the Chat Monitor tab, and monitor only the chats you would like to oversee.

Intelligent Triggers

Trigger an action to your website visitors at different instance and grab the attention of your website visitor using the intelligent triggers. Perform some action when the visitor lands on your website or accessing your web pages. You also have an option to set custom triggers in your website.

How to Add an Intelligent Trigger Rule?

In Settings, select the Automation tab and click on the Intelligent Trigger section.

Now, click on the Add button to set an intelligent trigger rule.

Now, select the option where you like to set the trigger in your website.

  • Lands on my website: Trigger an action only when the visitor hits the exact landing page of the website for the first time.
  • Accesses any page on my website: Trigger an action when the visitor accesses any chosen page on your website, where the rule is set.  

Select a pre-defined condition from the drop down to define the type of visitor you would like to trigger an action while visiting your website.

Types of Actions to Trigger

Select an Action from the drop-down list.

Animate button

You can animate the button to move from right to left or top to bottom when the visitor visits your website and grab the attention of the visitor.

Glow Button

You can make the button glow and attract the visitors to chat with you.

Invoke JSAPI

Invoke your own custom trigger in the website and grab the attention of the visitor visiting your website. Before setting this option, implement the customized JSAPI in your website and add the trigger name in the "with trigger name" text box.

Steps to implement your own custom trigger

  • Set a rule for which the API should be triggered in the Settings -> Automation -> Intelligent Triggersand choose the Invoke JS API option in the Then drop down.
  • Enter the trigger name in the “with trigger name” text box. Hovering the text box will display the skeleton code, using which you can build your JS API code.
  • Implement the JS API in your website.
  • The API will be invoked when the visitor matches the rule. If trigger name is mentioned in the text box then it will be passed as a parameter to the method. The second parameter will contain the available visitor information.

Open Chat Window

You can open a proactive chat window when the visitor visits your website and help them get in touch with you easily.

Send Chat Invite

You can send a chat invite to your website visitors with your name and an invite message.

Show Bubble

You can set the trigger to show the bubble when the visitor visits your website.

Show Button

You can display the chat button after some time the visitor visiting your website to highlight the chat button.


Selecting none will not trigger any action.

Now enter the time in the text box after which the action should be triggered to the visitor.

How to delete a trigger?

To delete a trigger, click on the X option that appear on the right side of the trigger.

An example of how to, Set an Intelligent Trigger in your Web site

In the following example, two types of visitors will be triggered in two different ways.

  • In the first rule, when the visitor lands on your website and if the current page of the visitor contains zillium.html in the URL, then a chat invite stating the name of the agent and the message they like to show the visitor will be triggered in 5 seconds.
  • In the second rule, if the visitor is accessing the pricing page of your website suddenly leaves the page and navigate to another page. Then, you set a rule to trigger him with a message on the next page after 5 seconds and bring him back to the pricing page and close the deal.


The rules follow a top-down execution method, whichever rule first matches the visitor criteria will be executed.

What is Visitor Routing?

Now you can separate and route the visitors to specific agents using the Visitor Routing option, you can set specific filters for the visitors by setting different rules and route the visitors to different agents.

For example, if your major customers are from United States and you wanted to assign two specific agents for the country, then you can set the filter and assign your agents. The visitors visiting from United States will only be routed to the two specific agents.

How to Route Visitors to Specific Sales Executives?

In settings, select the Automation section and click on the Visitor Routing tab. Use any of the below-mentioned ways to add a new Visitor Routing Rule:

  1. Click on the Add button in the right top corner of the page.
  2. Click on the + symbol that appears near the Top three suggestions of Countries/ Region/ Landing Pages/Operating System.
  3. Click on the Let’s start link at the bottom of the page.

The rules section will then appear, select a pre-defined condition from the drop-down.

Visitor Routing Options

Now, set a criteria for your condition by selecting an option from the drop-down.

    • Do not route - Visitors will not be routed to any agents.
    • Route one by one - Visitors will be routed to the agents one by one, when they are online.
    • Route to Least loaded - Visitors will be routed to the least loaded agent based on the visitor count when they are online.
    • Route to selected users - Visitors will be routed only to all the selected agents.


If the "Route rest of the visitors to all users" option is enabled, then the rest of the visitors will be routed to all other agents.

Then click on the + symbol next to the drop-down to select users, a small text box will then appear, enter the agent name in the text box.

To delete the selected user, click on the - symbol that appears when hovered.

Select the check box below, to route the rest of the visitors who don’t match the above rule to all other users.

An example of how to Route Visitors to Specific Agents

In the below example, two rules are set to route the visitors.

  • In the First rule, if the number of Open Client management system Potential is more than 2, then the visitors will be routed only to the selected agents.
  • In the second rule, if the number of past chat of the visitor is more than 5, then the visitors will be routed only to the selected agents.
  • In the right side of the rule you will be able to see the number of visitors routed to the specified agents based on the rule. The rest of the visitors visiting your website will be routed to all other agents.

Top Three Rule Suggestions

The top three rule suggestions will appear based on the visitors in your website. For example, if major number of visitor is from United States, then the top three suggestions will suggest United States as the first option in the countries list to set a rule. If no visitor is found on the website then a random suggestion will be listed in the top three.

How to delete a Visitor Routing Rule?

To delete a rule, click on the X symbol in the right side of the rule.

What is the Order of Visitor Routing?

The rules follow a top-down execution method, whichever rule first matches the visitor criteria will be executed.

What is a Chat Monitor?

Chat Monitor allows you to oversee the chat conversation between the agent and the visitor. Using which you can supervise and coach your agents, and you can also specify the type of chat conversation which you would like to monitor.

Types of Chat Monitors

  • User Name : If you want to monitor all the conversation of a specific agent with the visitor, then select the name of the agent from the User Name drop-down that is populated with the list of available agents.
  • IP Address : If you want to monitor the chats originated from a specific IP address then choose the IP Address option and enter the specific IP you would like to monitor in the text box.
  • Visitor Email : If you want to monitor a chat conversation of a visitor from a specific Email ID irrespective of any agent he converses with, then choose the Visitor Email Address option and enter the Email address of the visitor in the text box.

How to add a Chat Monitor?

To add a chat monitor, do the following:

In Settings, select the Automation section and click on the Chat Monitor tab.

Now click on the Add button to set-up a new chat monitor.

In the Choose a Type, select a type you would like to monitor.

Click on the Save button to register changes. You can view the added chat monitors listed in the Chat Monitor section.

Who can Monitor Chats?

RoleCan Monitor
AdministratorSupervisor and Associate

Example of how to Monitor a Chat

After adding the chat monitor, if the chosen agent chats with the visitor then you will be able to oversee the conversation of the agent in the monitoring mode. You can also suggest him ideas through the internal chat.

If required, you can also click on "Join this chat" and join the conversation.

How to delete a Chat Monitor?

To delete a chat monitor, click on the Delete button under the Actions section.