Business hours

Business hours

Now you can set your working hours in SalesIQ and make sure your chat widget go offline, after your business hours even when your agents are logged in. Acknowledge your availability and give your customers a better sense of when they can expect a personal response to their chat requests. You can enhance your workflow by specifying business hours.

To set business hours

  • Go to “Settings”
  • In the company section hover over Business hours click “configure” 


  1. Mark a region on the weekly calendar table and hit “save” to make your embed go offline after the marked region. 
  2. You can also hide the chat widget after your business hours just by “enabling” the option hide below your business hour table.
  3. The grayed out area are the business hours suggested from SalesIQ.
  4. Business hours can be disabled at any time by checking the “Disable” link in the top right.


  • If you hit "save" without selecting the business hours, will put your embeds offline through out the time.
  • Be careful while saving with the option “hide”, on blank business hours. This will hide your embed in all your websites through out the time.
  • Businesss hours will work based on the time zone configured in your company settings.