

Contacts are the people with whom the organization can communicate for an account. A single account can have multiple contact points. You can enter every minute details about the contact. Also, you can easy import your complete database of contacts into  Support without the need to create the contacts one by one.

Add Contacts View

You can maintain your entire customer contact details in  Support. To add a contact, do the following:

  1. Click Contacts Home Page.
  2. In the Contacts List page, click Add Contact from the top right corner.
  3. In the Add Contact page, provide the below details:
    • Enter the First Name, Last Name and the Email of the contact.
    • Specify the name of the account in Account Name.
    • Enter the Phone, Mobile and Title of the particular contact.
    • The Contact Owner Name is prefilled.
    • Select the type of contact as Paid User or Prospect.
    • Choose the Industry type from the drop down box.
    • Enter the Street, City, State, Zip and Country in the Address Information.
    • Enter the Description related to the account.
  4. Click Save or Save and Add New.

Follow Contacts

The Notification Center is an aggregated and summarized view of activity feeds pertaining to your tickets and tasks, that keeps you updated as things happen. Agents can collaborate within your team by way of comments in the Notification Center. While you comment, tag your colleagues in them using @Mentions to ask for their opinions.

 Support allows your agents to follow helpdesk contacts to monitor their support requirements and ticket (on receiving one) activities. By following a contact, all ticket and task activities related to the contact will be displayed as news stories under the Notification Center.


  • Activity Feeds under the Notification Center will contain ticket and task activities that are related to or involves you.
  • You cannot adjust or sort what you see in your Notification Center.
  • The stories listed in your Notification Center includes all activities at the portal level.

Following a Contact

You can follow customer contacts to view and track the tickets received from them.

To follow a contact

  1. Select the Contacts module in  Support
  2. In the Contacts List page, select a contact to view its details
  3. In the Contact Detail page, click Follow from the header

View Activities of a Followed Contact

You can view tickets and its activities, received from a followed contact in the Notification Center.

To access the Notification Center

  1. Click lookup-icon located from the top right corner in  Support
  2. In the Notification Center drop-box, you can view the activities pertaining to the ticket received from a followed contact
  3. Click an activity feed to view the ticket and read through its comments if any

Un-following a Contact

Typically, an agent can unfollow contacts when they no longer wish to see their ticket or task activities in the Notification Center.

To un-follow a contact

  1. Select the Contacts module in  Support
  2. In the Contacts List page, select a contact to view its details
  3. In the Contact Detail page, click Un-follow from the header

Associate with Contacts

Add Comments

You can add comments as notes to provide any technical information about the Contact. You can create multiple comments for a single Contact. To add comments, do the following:

  1. Click and open a Contact from the Contacts Home page.
  2. In the [Contacts] page, click Comments tab.
  3. In the text box that appears, type your message.
  4. Click Save. After adding a comment, the user id and the time when the comment is added are displayed.

Edit Comments

If you want to change something you wrote, you can edit the comment you left on a contact.

You can edit comments only if you have the Edit permission for Comments.

To edit comments

  1. Click the Contacts tab.
  2. In the Contacts Home page, select the contact.
  3. In the Contact Details page, under Comments section, click  .
  4. Make your changes and click Save beneath your comment.

Delete Comments

Occasionally, you may need to remove the unnecessary comments from a contact in  Support for a better user experience. You may consider deleting the comments that are not useful for future reference.

You can delete comments only if you have the Delete permission for Comments.

To delete comments

  1. Click the Contacts tab.
  2. In the Contacts Home page, select the contact.
  3. In the Contact Details page, under Comments section, click  .
  4. In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK to delete the comment permanently.

Add Attachment

You can attach any type of files and any number of files to a single Contact. To attach a file, do the following:

  1. Open a Contact from Contacts Home page.
  2. Click Attachment > Add an attachment now.
  3. Select the file from outside resources. After adding a file, the user id and the time when the file is added are displayed.

Associate Products

  1. Open an Contact from the Contacts Home Page.
  2. Click Product > Associate a products now.
  3. Select any of the product(s) listed.
  4. Click Associate Product.

View Tickets

To view the ticket associated with the particular contact.

  1. Move your mouse pointer over any of the Contacts in the Contacts Home Page.
  2. Click View Tickets to view the ticket associated with the contact.
  3. Click Add Ticket if you want to add a new tickets for the contact.

Alternatively, you can view tickets associated with a contact in the Contacts Detail page. 

  1. Open a Contact from the Contacts Home Page.
  2. Click the Tickets tab to view the tickets added for the contact.

Edit Contacts

You can edit the Contacts either from the Contacts Home page or from the individual [Contact] page.

To edit from the Contacts Home page, do the following:

  1. In the Contacts Home page, move your pointer over the particular Contact you want to edit.
  2. Click .
  3. Do the required changes in the Edit Contact Page in the respective fields.
  4. Click Save or Save and Add New.

To edit from the [Contact] page, do the following:

  1. Open a Contacts from Contacts Home Page.
  2. In the [Contact] page, click the bearing icon and click Edit Contact.
  3. Do the required changes in the Edit Contact page in the respective fields.
  4. Click Save or Save and Add New.

Delete Contact

You can delete a Contact from the Contacts Home Page or from individual [Contact]page. Also, it is possible to delete two or more Contacts simultaneously.

To delete an account from Contacts Home page, do the following:

  1. Move your pointer over any particular Contact.
  2. Click deleteicon.
  3. Click OK on the confirmation message.

The Contact will be deleted.

To delete a Contact from [Contacts] page, do the following:

  1. From the Contacts Home page, open any Contact.
  2. Click the bearing icon and then click Delete Contact.
  3. Click OK on the confirmation message.

The Contact will be deleted.

Sorting Contacts

You can do the sorting in ascending or descending order and also after performing the Advanced Search or selecting View type. In this case, the sorting is done for the selected search item or view item.

  1. In the Contacts Home Page, move your mouse pointer over the Sort by Menu.
  2. Sort the Contactsby selecting any of the below options:
    • First Name
    • Last Name
    • Phone
    • Email
    • Account Name
    • Created Time
    • Modified Time

The sorted Contact appears which is displayed in the ascending or descending order. Please note to sort by Contacts owner, there is another option:

  1. Just move your mouse pointer over Contact Owner menu in Contacts Home Page.
  2. Choose an agent's user id.
    The list displays the Contacts created or owned by the particular agent.

You can sort the contracts in either ascending or descending order. Move your mouse pointer on Sort By and click  or  that appears to sort in ascending or descending order.

View Contacts

Views are of two types: Predefined (standard view) and Agent Created View (New View). Using View, you can see the list of Contacts based on the Contacts type selected.

Predefined View

Both Predefined and Custom Views are listed on the left pane in the Contacts module. Here is the list of Predefined views available in Contacts module which cannot be modified or deleted.

  • All Contacts
  • Contacts

    Email marketing provides a crisp and simple approach to manage your contacts which are the basic substratum for your email marketing. In this user guide, you’ll learn how to import contacts and create mailing lists. You’ll also learn how to manage ...
  • Contacts

    Working with Contacts Contacts are people with whom you communicate, either in pursuit of a business opportunity or for personal reasons. In Business-to-Consumer (B2C) scenarios, contact is the most important information for acquiring customers, ...
  • Approve Contacts

    The import feature and Web forms have an option to enable manual approval of records. When this option is enabled, records imported or gathered through web forms are not added directly to the modules. They need to be approved first for other users to ...
  • Create Contacts

    In CRM, you can create contacts by: Entering data in the contact details form: You can manually fill in the Contact details gathered from various external sources. Importing contacts from external source: You can gather data through various sources, ...
  • Creating Contacts

    In CRM, you can create contacts by: Entering data in the contact details form: You can manually fill in the Contact details gathered from various external sources. Importing contacts from external source: You can gather data through various sources, ...