When there is a chance of further negotiations with a lead, it can be converted into an account, contact, and potential. In short, once the lead status has reached a certain stage, it can be qualified as a potential. On conversion, all the lead details are transferred in creating an account, contact, and potential. You can map the lead fields with those of the account, contact and potential so that the details are transferred to the appropriate fields. See Also Map Custom Fields
Profile Permission Required: Users with the Convert Leads permission in profile can access this feature.
While converting a lead to a potential first a new account and contact are created with the relevant lead data, and then a new potential is created. The following table provides description of the various fields converted to an account, contact, and potential during lead conversion. In case of custom fields, you can map them too. See AlsoMap Custom Fields
Lead Field | Converted To |
Salutation | Contact: Salutation |
First Name | Contact Name |
Last Name | Contact Name |
Company | Account: Name |
Designation | Contact: Title |
Lead Source | Potential: Lead Source Contact: Lead Source |
Industry | Account: Industry |
Annual Revenue | Account: Annual Revenue |
Assigned To | Account, Contact, Potential: Assigned To |
Phone | Account: Phone Contact: Phone |
Mobile | Contact: Mobile |
Fax | Account: Fax Contact: Fax |
Contact: Email | |
Skype ID | Contact: Skype ID |
Web site | Account: Web site |
Lead Status | User should specify the Potential Stage while converting the lead. |
Rating | Potential: Rating |
No of Employees | Account: No. of Employees |
Email Opt Out | Contact: Email Opt Out |
Street | Account: Street Contact: Street |
City | Account: City Contact: City |
State | Account: State Contact: State |
Postal Code | Account: Postal Code Contact: Postal Code |
Country | Account: Country Contact: Country |
Custom Fields | Users can map their own custom field. |
To convert leads to other sales records
Here is an example that will help you understand the different scenarios. Let us take for example a lead with the following details:
Various scenarios | If Account/Contact already exists in CRM | If Account/Contact does not exists in CRM |
Lead Name: Available Company: Available Email Address: Available | Use Case 1
Use Case 3:
| A new account and a new contact will be created. |
Lead Name: Available Company: Not Available Email Address: Not Available | Options:
| A new contact will be created |
Lead Name: Available Company: Available | Options:
| A new account and a new contact will be created. The contact will be associated to the account. |
Lead Name: Available Company: Not Available Email Address: Available | Options:
| A new contact will be created |
When a lead is converted into an account, contact and potential, field values of a lead are transferred to the mapped account, contact, and potential fields. Only when the fields are accurately mapped with those of the corresponding modules, will data be transferred properly.
By default, the standard fields are mapped with the corresponding fields of the other modules (Accounts, Contacts, and Potentials). With the lead conversion mapping tool, you can easily map other fields that you create. Please note that you need to map a field with a similar type of field only. For example, a Text field should be mapped only with a Text field, a Picklist field with a similar type of Picklist field.
To map lead fields with other modules
Based on your business requirements, you may want to close the leads instead of converting them. In such a case, you can do the following:
By default, some industry standard pick list values are available in the Lead Status field. You can modify the pick list values as per your organization's business process and replace the existing value with new value.
To add a pick list value
Mass conversion of leads is also possible in the Leads module by selecting multiple records from the list view to convert. You can also use the Mass Convert [Records] option under Lead Tools to filter records based on criteria and then convert them in bulk.
To convert leads in bulk