Create Recurring Activities

Create Recurring Activities

An activity can be repeated by using the recurring option while creating tasks and events. You can also create recurring tasks in bulk from the list view.


Profile Permission Required: Access to the Activities Tab that includes View, Create, Edit and Delete permissions.

To create recurring activities

  1. In the Activities module, click New Task or New Event.
    You can also create a task from within a record by clicking the New Task/New Event link in the Open Activities related list.
  2. In the Create Task/Event page, specify the activity-related details.
  3. Select the Recurring Activity check box and do the following:
    • Specify the Start Date and End Date for the activity to be repeated.
    • Specify the Repeat Type for the activity and select the options accordingly (Refer to the table below).
    • Click Save.
Daily - FieldsDescription
EverydaySelect this if the activity should be repeated everyday.
Recur every ___ day(s)Select this to specify how often in days the activity should be repeated.
Weekly - FieldsDescription
Recur every ____week(s)Enter how often in weeks the activity should be repeated.
Days of the weekSelect the check box(es) that correspond to the day(s) of the week on which the recurrence should occur.
Monthly - FieldsDescription
On day __ of every ___ month(s)Enter how often in months and on the specified date the activity should be repeated.
On____ ____ of every ___ monthSelect a particular day when the activity should be repeated every month.
Yearly - FieldsDescription
On every___ ____Enter how often in a year the activity should be repeated.
On ____ ____ of ____Enter how often in a year and on the specified date the activity should be repeated.

To create recurring activities in bulk

  1. Click the [Module] tab.
  2. From the list view select the checkboxes of the records for which you want to create recurring tasks.
  3. Click More Actions > Create Tasks.
  4. In the popup, specify the task details and click Repeat to specify the recurring details.
  5. Specify the Start Date and End Date. Refer to the table given above for more details.
    • Daily Repeat Type - Recurrence can be set for maximum 30 days.
    • Weekly Repeat Type - Recurrence can be set for maximum 30 weeks.
    • Monthly Repeat Type - Recurrence can be set for maximum 30 months.
    • Yearly Repeat Type - Recurrence can be set for maximum 10 years.
  6. Click Done and then Save.
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