Create Solutions

Create Solutions

In CRM, you can create solutions by:

  • Entering data in the solution details form: You can manually fill in the Solution details gathered from various external sources.
  • Importing solutions from external source: You can gather data through various sources and import the CSV and XLS format files into CRM.


  • Some of the standard fields may not be visible or editable depending on your organization's business process.
  • In case you want to add or modify fields, please contact your System Administrator for more details on the usage of other fields.

Create Solutions Individually

You can create solutions individually by using the following:

  • Filling in the details in the solution creation form.
  • Cloning the solution with few changes in the existing record.


  • By default, the person who creates the solution owns it.
  • To change owner, click the Change link in the Solution Owner field from the Solution Details page and select another user.

To create solutions individually

  1. In the Solutions module, click New Solution.
  2. In the Solutions Home page, enter the solution details. (Refer to the table below)
  3. Click Save.

To clone solutions

  1. Click the Solutions tab, click a particular solution that you want to be cloned.
  2. In the Solution Details page, click Clone.
  3. In the Clone Solution page, modify the required solution details. (Refer to the table below)
  4. Click Save.
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