Custom Fields

Custom Fields

For almost all of the fields that you create, you need to specify the following:

  • Label: Specify a name for the field.
  • Field Properties: Specify properties of the field such as description, field values and so on.

Other specifications required for each type of field:

Field TypeOther Details
TextLength: Maximum 255 characters are allowed.
IntegerLength: Maximum 9 digits are allowed.
DecimalLength: Maximum 16 digits (including decimal places) are allowed.
PercentLabel: Specify the field name
CurrencyLength: Maximum 16 digits are allowed. Rounding Option: Specify the rounding option Decimal Places: Specify the number of decimal places Precision: Specify the rounding precision
DateFormat: YYYY/MM/DD Note:Date format will be changed according to user's time zone settings.
Date & TimeFormat: YYYY/MM/DD HH:MM Note:Date format will be changed according to user's time zone settings.
EmailSpecify a valid email address
PhoneSpecify a valid phone number
Pick listPick List Values: Specify the pick list values
Multi-select Pick listPick List Values: Specify the pick list values
Text AreaSpecify the Character limit: Small is 2000 characters, Large is 32000 characters.
Text Area Large will not be available while adding criteria in any feature.
Both Text Area Large and Small cannot be used for sorting records in ascending or descending order.
Auto NumberPrefix: Specify the prefix of the auto-number sequence Starting Number: Specify the starting number of the sequence Suffix: Specify the suffix of the auto-number sequence Existing Records: Select the checkbox to apply auto-number to existing records.
LookupLookup Type: Select the module for which you like to establish relationship Related List Label: It is the name you give to the entity that will be created under the record's details. For example, Attachments, Contact Roles etc. (Available in Paid Editions of CRM except the Standard Edition)
Long IntegerMaximum 18 characters are allowed (Available in Paid Editions of CRM except the Standard Edition)

Custom Field Limits

There is a limit to the total number of fields that you can create in you account and also a limit to the type of fields that you create. This varies based on your CRM Edition. Refer the following link to check the field limits:Custom Field Limits


  • Custom fields are not available in the Free edition of  CRM.
  • Lookup and Formula fields are not available in the Standard Edition of CRM.
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