Email Forwarding

Email Forwarding

Mail provides you the option to automatically forward all the incoming emails to another email account of your choice. This is the simplest way to automatically receive a copy of the emails that arrive in your account in another account of your choice.

 You can also auto forward the emails based on specific criteria. You can choose Filter based Forwarding for such requirement. 

 If your Organization is Email Hosting with Mail, the Administrator can enable Auto Email Forwarding from one account to another internal account without any verification process involved. 

Enable Email Forwarding:

  1. Log in to mail
  2. Click Settings » Mail » Email Forwarding and POP/IMAP
  3. In the Email forwarding Section, Click 'Add Email Address'
  4. Specify the email address to which you want to forward a copy of your email
  5. A confirmation Email will be sent to the added email address. Email forwarding will be enabled only after you verify the account.
  6. You can choose whether you want to remove the email from account after forwarding or retain the copy .

  • Select 'No' for ‘Delete  mails copy’, to leave a copy of the forwarded email in mail.
  • Select 'Yes' for ‘Delete  mails copy’, to delete the email in mail, after forwarding to the specified email address.

  1. If you have chosen 'Delete  Mail's copy', for Email Forwarding, the emails will be deleted immediately and will not be available for POP retrieval. 
  2. Click ‘Save.

Steps for Administrators to enable Email Forwarding within Organization accounts:

  1. Log in to  mail
  2. Select Control Panel >> Mail Accounts
  3. Select the mail account for which you want to enable Email Forwarding
  4. Click Add Email Forwarding and provide another organization account as destination account. 

Points to remember for Email Forwarding: 

  • You cannot enable Email Forwarding, where the destination is a Group. 
  • Email Forwarding cannot be enabled for more than 3 destination accounts, in case of paid accounts.
  • Filter based forwarding cannot be enabled to the same email address, which has already been added for Email Forwarding. 
  • If the Email Forwarding fails for ten times consecutively, the email forwarding will be automatically disabled. 
  • The emails generated from the account, to which Email Forwarding is configured, will not be forwarded to avoid looping.

Email Forwarding - Verification

Once you add the email address for auto forwarding, you need to proceed with the verification process. In the destination account you will receive an email with a verification link to confirm the Email Forwarding process.  

  1. In the destination account, you will receive a confirmation email with a verification link.
  2. Make sure that you are signed out of any active sessions . 
  3. When you click on the link, a new window will prompt you to enter the account credentials.
  4. Provide the emails address of the 'source account' from which the emails should be forwarded. 
  5. Provide the password of the 'source account' from which the emails should be forwarded. 
  6. In case you have Two Factor Authentication enabled for the source account, you need to provide application specific password to be authenticated. 
  7. The credentials will be verified with the source email account credentials.
  8. On successful verification, Email forwarding will be enabled and emails will get auto forwarded. 

Disable/Delete Email Forwarding

  1. Log in to mail
  2. Click Settings » Mail » Email Forwarding and POP/IMAP
  3. Select ‘Disable’ to disable Email forwarding, temporarily to the corresponding email address.
  4. You can just click 'Enable' to re-enable Email forwarding instead of going through the entire process
  5. If you want to remove Email Forwarding to that email address permanently, click Delete.

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