Email marketing reports

Email marketing reports

View Report Summary

You can view the overall report which includes number of emails sent, delivered, unique opened, unique clicked, unopened, bounces and unsubscribes of a particular campaign.

Unique Opened - Number of recipients who opened the Email marketing

Total Open - Number of times the total number of recipients opened your Email marketing

Here is an example to help you understand better

Number of times Rob opened the email - 4
Number of times Doug opened the email - 3
Number of times Nick opened the email - 2

Total Open - 9
Unique Open - 3

Unique Clicked - Number of recipients who clicked the links in the email

Total Clicks- Number of times the total number of recipients clicked your Email marketing

Campaign Reach - This gives you a data on how far your campaign has reached in different social media platforms such as Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest and Google+

Opens Over Time - This is a graph of the Opens and the Time stats which gives you the Open rate in a given period of time. Using this graph you can ascertain the time when maximum opens take place.

Email Open by Location - This shows which geographical location (country) your recipients were in when they opened your email campaign. You can use this data for segmentation.


  1. You can view the exact number of subscribers who successfully received and opened your Email marketing by hovering over the 'country'.
  2. You can bring modifications in your business when you know a certain location is highly receptive of your email campaigns. It is the location where most of your target audience appears to be.
  3. You can use this data to run targeted marketing  in those locations where maximum response is recorded.


  • In some cases where we are unable to determine location of a recipient who has opened the Email marketing, you will be notified.
  • If one recipient opens the same campaign in two different locations, open will be displayed at both locations, whereas the unique open count would remain one.

Inter Service Sync Settings - This lists the already defined sync settings with Client management system.

Create Campaign in Client management system - You can create this e-mail campaign with the same name in the Email marketing module of your Client management system account.

Update Campaign Member Status - You can update your campaign status in Client management system depending upon the subscriber’s activity such as open rate and click rate of your Email marketing.

Recipient Activity

You can compare the number of emails opened to that of unopened among the total number of recipients, how many unsubscribed from your subscription, who marked your email spam and who really is impressed with your campaign and forwarded it to their contacts. Take a look at the different activities mentioned below:

Recipient activity is a near accurate metric of your campaign performance. With this you can make modifications to your marketing efforts in the future. The data consists of the following elements

  1. Recipients - You can view the total number of recipients for your Email marketing
  2. Opened - You can view the number of contacts who have opened the Email marketing
  3. Unopened - You can view the number of contacts who are yet to open the Email marketing
  4. Clicked - You can view the number of contacts who clicked the links in the Email marketing
  5. Unsubscribed - You can view the number of contacts who have unsubscribed from your mailing list
  6. Marked spam - You can view the number of contacts who have marked your Email marketing as spam
  7. Forwards - You can view the number of contacts who have forwarded your Email marketing

How do I mass update a field for contacts based on their activities?

  1. Go to Reports >> Sent Email marketing
  2. Click the Email marketing, you want to make changes
  3. Click the Recipient Activity from the menu present on RHS
  4. Under Recipient Activity section, click the Mass Update button.
  5. Select the field from drop-down menu, you wish to update
  6. Specify a value for the field to be updated
  7. Click proceed >> Update to confirm


  • You can also mass update fields for contacts under link click activity.

Send Email to Opened Recipients

You can send an email to those recipients who have opened your Email marketing using the following steps:

  1. Go to Reports --> Email marketing
  2. Click the campaign for which you want to send email
  3. Now, click the Recipient Activity from the right hand panel
  4. From the Recipient Activity page, click the Opened --> Email Opened Recipients
  5. You can now proceed with the create campaign flow and send out a campaign to the Opened recipients.


  • Based on recipient activities, you can view and export the recipient details such as email address, name, phone number.

Link Click Activity

You can track and analyze all the links within your campaign. This is inclusive of text links and images linked to web pages.

Link Click Map - It gives you an overall percentage of links clicked by subscribers who have opened your email.  You can also view the reach of a URL based on its placement in the Email marketing. You can use this data to see which part of the content your recipients most interact with.

Moreover, stats for header, content and footer links are listed separately.

Link Click Details - It lists the number of clicks each link received as well as the number of unique clicks per link. You can also find the recipient details who've clicked a specific link from an Email marketing.

Bounces and Auto Replies

Bounce is an e-mail that is returned to the sender because it was rejected by the receiving mail server due to various reasons. There are many reasons for the mail to get rejected and we've divided them into three categories:

Soft Bounce - This is a temporary issue where the recipient's mail server rejects the email due to reasons such as

  • Recipient's mailbox is likely to be full
  • Mail server is temporarily unavailable
  • Recipient has closed the email account with the particular provider


  • When an email address gets a soft bounce, our deliver ability team makes three attempts to deliver the campaign. On failure, the email address is treated as a hard bounce.

Hard Bounce - This is a permanent bounce when the receiving server rejects the email due to the following reasons:

  • Invalid email address (typos, domain does not exist)
  • Email address is not in existence
  • Recipient's mail server has blocked the sending server

Auto Reply - This is a special scenario where the recipient is out of office on account of being away on vacation or other personal reasons. In such cases, the subscriber must have configured an auto reply. Once they are back, they will have a chance to view the email.

List Based Reports

You can view the Email marketing report based on mailing list or lists used to send the email campaign.

Share Reports

You can share reports with other users of your organization through a password protected link.When you share a report generated link, the receiving user can view the detailed report summary. Here are the details which you need to enter before generating the link for the report.

Header Details - Either the brand name or company name which will be displayed in the report editor. This field is editable.

Password Details - Enter the password, which has to be shared to other users in case they want to view the recipient details of a Email marketing.

Report URL - This is the link which will be shared with other users to view the Email marketing report.


  • Once a report link is generated, it gets expired in 15 days from the day of generating link.

Top Five Stats

You can view the top 5 stats for the following data:

Top Open Locations - This lists out the top 5 locations where your Email marketing had maximum open rate.

Top Clicked Links - This lists out the top 5 links clicked the most in your Email marketing.

Social Stats

You can view the Email marketing reach on different social media platforms such as Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter, Pinterest and Google+ Using social stats, you can track the number of views, clicks, likes, tweets, share, Pinterest and G+ share in the following categories:

  1. Track the recipients who viewed your email in a browser.
  2. View your Email marketing presence on other social media.
  3. View subscriber’s social media action on campaign archive.

Views by Location - This gives you a social stats report based on geographical locations of subscribers. You can use this to see the country of origin for social activities such as Like, Share, Tweet, etc.

User Agent Stats

You can analyze users' devices, operating system, desktop email clients and web browsers which are frequently used by your subscribers. This helps you design your newsletter and test it in those operating systems, browsers and devices so that it is well optimized to the respective email inbox (es) perfectly.

Devices and Operating Systems - This indicates the type of devices used by the maximum number of your subscribers. It helps to understand the recipients interaction when they open the email on a mobile device or desktops.

For instance, iPhone is the largest player on mobile platforms where the number of opens is high. Now, this information lets you to optimize your content for iPhone users.

Take a look at the image given below which provides the different types of devices displayed in the user agent stats.

Desktop Email Clients - This provides the desktop based email clients used by your subscribers to open the Email marketing.Outlook gets the major share of email opens followed by Apple mail.

Web Browsers - This helps to track the web browsers used by the recipients and makes you to plan ahead by testing your Email marketing on different browsers and check whether it is optimized accordingly.

Recipient Comments

You can allow your email recipients to add comments to the Email marketing. All they need is to open the email campaign by clicking the View in Browser link. You can either publish or delete the comments posted by the recipients, or Guests (Users who don't want their names to be revealed) from social media.

To view Recipient Comments,

  1. Go to the Reports tab
  2. Click the Email marketing for which you want to view the comments
  3. Click Recipient Comments at the right side panel

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