Events in Calendar

Events in Calendar

Team Collaboration  calendar is an easy way to securely and quickly organize meetings, events, schedule appointments, manage deadlines and more - all with a browser from your desktop. A shared online Team Collaboration  calendar is easy for the entire team to stay on schedule, remind the team on upcoming events and make everyone more productive.

Benefits of a Team Collaboration Calendar

  • Organize team meetings and keep the team informed
  • Share your Team Collaboration calendar with everyone in the team
  • Stay up-to-date on appointments through timely reminders
  • Keep all your deadlines coordinated from a single place

New task

In Team Collaboration, select the required project and then click Calendar. Hover the mouse over a particular date in the calendar and from the displayed options, choose the Task radio button.

New Task

Your task is listed in the calendar view along with the task count. And the task added spans as a long thin green bar between the selected dates.

New milestone

In Team Collaboration, select the required project and then click Calendar. Hover the mouse over a particular date in the calendar and from the displayed options, choose the Milestone radio button.

New Milestone

The default selected flag is Internal.  And the milestone added spans as a long thin blue bar between the selected dates.

New Event

In Team Collaboration, select the required project and then click Calendar. Hover the mouse over a particular date in the calendar and from the displayed options, choose the Event radio button.

New event

The scheduled event will get listed along with the repeat interval and meeting count.


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