Getting Started

Getting Started

Welcome to Visitor tracking and live chat. In this guide you will find information about setting up your live chat system and configuring it so your business can get the most value from it. What are you waiting for? It is time to start connecting with your customers.

Configuring your Live Chat Software

Adding your chat widgets to sites

Embedding Live Chat in your website is a very simple process. You(or your webmaster) have to copy-paste the code into your website's source file. And, Live Chat will be ready for use!

To add the embed code to your site

First navigate to your web editor and choose the specific page or template you wish to place your chat widget. Then navigate in a separate browser tab to your Visitor tracking and live chat.

  • Click "Settings".
  • In the Web Embed section, click on the name of the Embed you are attempting to include in the page.
  • Scroll down to the "Button Appearance" section.
  • Select the code snippet below the float window and "copy".


  • Back in your web editor, "paste" the code snippet into your existing code anywhere between the head tags.
  • "Save" and "publish" the changes made to your website. 


If you don't have access to your site's HTML code or are not comfortable with adding new code, simply use the built in link with each embed to send the code to your webmaster directly.


To share a code snippet with your webmaster: 

  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the Web Embed section, click on the name of the Embed you are attempting to include in the page.
  3. Scroll down to the "Button appearance" section, or "Personalized chat" section and once you have determined the embed style for your page click "Share via email" located directly under the code snippet box.
  4. From the message window that pops up enter the "e-mail" address of your webmaster.
  5. Feel free to customize the subject line or personalize your message, just be careful to not edit the actual code.
  6. Once you are ready, click "Send" to share the instructions and code snippet with your webmaster. 

Before launching your Visitor tracking and live chat

You have now enabled your Visitor tracking and live chat, but before you can start connecting with your customers instantly, you will need to configure your Live Chat operation to ensure you maximize each-and-every interaction with your customers.

Before you launch Visitor tracking and live chat and boost your customer support with your new live chat operation, we want to ensure you know your way around the application, and have tuned your live chat program to best fit your business.

Running a test live chat

Login into your Visitor tracking and live chat dashboard, and try to initiate a test chat from your website. This gives you a feel for what a pop-up style chat window will look like and how Visitor tracking and live chat operates. 


The window that pops up is the default chat window, where after entering your visitor information you can start your  first live chat to test your system. When you start the chat, you will notice the incoming chat on the left menu, with the visitors name under the “Waiting Visitors” heading. To answer the incoming chat request, simply click on the visitor or just hover over it and click over the "Pick up" button. The new live chat window open automatically into your Visitor tracking and live chat dashboard. 


Chatting with visitors

Now that you have answered your test-incoming request, we want you to take this time to familiarize yourself with the Visitor tracking and live chat's chat window within the dashboard, and the powerful tools you can use during live chats with your customers.


  1. At the top of the dashboard you will see the visitor's name displayed, with a green icon underneath, signifying this is the chat you are currently viewing. This bar is designed to allow you to connect with multiple customers at once, in one organized placed, with separate chats popping into tabs along this bar.
  2. Below you will see the live chat window, which displays the customers entered subject as the heading, with the time the chat started, the customers name and e-mail displayed below. As the live chat continues, both you and your customer's entered text will be displayed in this window, alongside their display name.
  3. To begin chatting or reply to your customer, simply start typing. Navigate below the chat window to see your messages as you type in the editing box, where you can format your text. When you have readied your message to your customer, hit enter and the message will be sent directly to your customer and displayed above in the live chat window.

Visitor Info

You can view more information about the visitor you are engaging with on the right hand side of the dashboard, including the visitors e-mail, country, web browser, operating system and the page they launched the live chat from.


To view more in-depth visitor information from a particular chat, you can click the i icon along the top right. It provides the visitor info such as Name, Email Address, Contact number, Visitor Location, Visitor Browser Information and System Used.

You can also view the visitor location via Google maps which is placed in the right corner of the visitor location click on the magnifying glass to see the location.To view the visitor contact number the contact number should be defaulted in Chat Window Embed.


Ending a chat

Once you determine a chat is complete, you can hit “End Session” on the chat window and then “End Immediate” or select any of your required "End timer" to stop the current live chat.  

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