How do I send mass emails to only those contacts that are my customers?

How do I send mass emails to only those contacts that are my customers?

Not everyone listed in your Contacts module may be your customer. If you have to send emails only to a select few contacts, you can do so by filtering out the contacts based on a specific criteria. To send emails only to “Customers” follow the steps below:


  1. Click Contacts Module > Contact Tools > Mass Email Contacts.
    mass email
  2. Under the Email Templates tab, select the Email template which you would like to send.
  3. Under the Select Records tab, select one of the following options to filter records based on a criteria.
    • Custom View criteria – If you want to send mails to contacts under a particular list view, you can select it from this list view drop-down. All the matching contacts are listed.
      criteria 1
    • Manual criteria – Specify a  criteria to filter out contacts that match the given criteria and click Search. For example: Account Type is Customer.
      Note: You may wonder how your Contacts module has a field called “Account Type”. All contacts are associated with Accounts. In the Accounts module,  CRM offers you a standard field called “Account Type” when you are feeding in Accounts details. So this field shows up in the criteria drop-down to filter contacts here. If you have made use of this field, you can follow this method to search for “customers”.specify criteria
  4. Select the records form the list and click Send.
    Emails will be send to the selected records. If you have not made use of the “Account Type” field, you can specify any criteria that filters out your customers.


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