How does the Visitor Tracking feature identify visitors?

How does the Visitor Tracking feature identify visitors?

Many of us have the doubt that how do I know the identity of the visitor accessing my website? Here is the answer, how Visitor Tracking & Live Chat helps you to differentiate and identify each visitor on your website.

Past Chats & Visits

Using the information provided during the past chats and past visits, it can identify the visitor by their registered name and email, when the visitor visits the website again. It will assign the identity passed to the JS Api for the visitor, and will remember it when the visitor visits the website again from the same browser. A unique key representing the visitor will be stored in the browser cookie using which it will remember the visitor.

Campaign Link

You can identify the visitor from the campaign by their name and email address when the visitor visits your website. Attach the Name and Email of the recipient to the link in the campaign with Identifier parameters.


siq_name - To set the Name
siq_email - To set the Email

Here the $[FNAME]$, $[LNAME]$ & $[EMAIL]$ are the variables. This will be replaced with the Full Name and the Email address of the recipient when the campaign is sent.

CRM Web Forms

It can identify the visitors on your website through CRM Web forms. If the visitor visit your website seeking an information, and submit the details for contacting through CRM Web Form. Then  it will track the visitor's future visits by the registered Name and Email.


An automobile company website can collect the information of the website visitors along with the intrested products through CRM Lead web forms. Visitor tracking will identify the visitors with the name & email address submitted, if the feature is enabled in the web form.


This feature is applicable only to the CRM integrated users.

It can identify the visitors only if the "Visitor Tracking" option is enabled while creating the web form. If you have already added the web forms on your website without enabling the visitor tracking option, then enable the "Visitor Tracking" and once again update the web form code on your website.

Smart Identifiers

The Smart Identifiers is the 1x1 pixel image sent in the email to track the visitor accessing the email. This will set a cookie in the visitor’s browser using which it will identify the recipient by name and email while visiting your website in future. To include the smart identifiers code to the email, select the campaign name from the “Choose a campaign” drop down of Smart Identifiers in the Web Embed section. A Campaign specific code will be provided in the Smart Identifier Code box. Attach the code to the email, when the recipient opens the email the smart identifiers will track the identity.


Smart Identifiers will not work if the recipient has disabled the image loading option in the email client. Only if the recipient chooses the display image option, the smart identifier image will set the cookie in the visitor’s browser.

Smart identifiers will not work for emails opened in the Gmail and certain other email services, because Gmail will not serve the smart identifier image sent along with the email directly to the recipient. Instead it stores the image temporarily in its Gmail server and serves the image to the recipient from the Gmail server when the email is accessed. So smart identifiers may not set the cookie in the real visitor’s browser and track them.

Visitor ID

If the visitor doesn’t fall under any above category, and visits the website for the first time. Then, it will provide him with a random Visitor ID until he registers with his details. Once the visitor signs up for a chat, and provides details in the chat widget, the visitor will be identified with his registered name. If the Visitor leaves the website without providing his details, then it will identify the visitor with the random Visitor ID, when the visitor visits again. A small Asterisk (*) will be mentioned near the Visitor ID that denotes the repeated visitor. The sales representative can also update the visitor information using the edit icon available near the Visitor ID in the visitor info section of the chat window, if he could get the information while chatting.

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