Is Track Changes available in Writer?

Is Track Changes available in Writer?

Yes. Track Changes is available in Writer, under the Review tab.

What is Track Changes?

Track Changes is a feature that enables the user to keep track of all the changes made to a specific document. While collaborating on a document, it is often valuable to track the changes that you or other users make to the document. Track Changes not only allows you to see what changes have been made, but also allows you to accept or reject the changes made to the document.
This powerful tool makes the process of commenting, editing and rewriting an easy communication process between you and your collaborators.

How Does it Work?

​Track changes is an easy-to-use feature that can help you collaborate with your team members in a better and effective way. Here’s how it works:

  • With Track Changes turned on, every change you make to the document appears as a colored markup. ​It highlights each insertion, deletion, formatting change, or comment that has been made by the collaborators.
  • It provides you control over the document. You can selectively accept the edits and discard the ones that doesn’t seem appropriate.
  • The document can also be viewed in multiple modes like ​All Markup – showing all the modifications made; No Markup – with all the changes accepted; and Original – the document before it was edited, providing you the flexibility to switch between different views.
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