Merge Duplicate Records

Merge Duplicate Records

This feature helps you to find duplicate records in bulk and merge them as one record. With this you have an option to search all duplicate records in a module based on a selected field's value. You can choose any one from the 4 fields that are available based on the selected module. Records with any duplicate in the selected field's value will be listed for you to select and merge, if required.


Permission Required: Top Role in your CRM account hierarchy or Administrator profile.

To merge duplicate records

  1. Click the LeadsAccountsContacts or Vendors tab.
  2. In the [Module] Home page, under [Module] Tools, click Deduplicate [Module].
    (Module refers to the tabs like Leads, Contacts, etc.)
  3. In the Deduplicate [Module] page, click an option by which you would like to search the duplicate records. 

  4. Click Next.
  5. From the list of matching records, select a record that has duplicates based on the criteria specified. 

  6. Click Next.
    • In the Search Criteria section, enter additional search criteria, if required.
    • Click Search.
    • Click Match all the following or Match any of the following, as required.
    • Under Matching Records, select at least two records to be merged.
    • Click Next.
  7. In the Merge [Record] page, select the record that you want to maintain as the Master Record.
    The double entries are highlighted. Select the data that is to be retained. You can merge a maximum of 3 records at a time.

  8. Click Merge.
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