Multi-office management (Territory management)

Multi-office management (Territory management)

What is Multi-Office Management?

When your business is spread across regions and you have multiple office divisions, departments and numerous products/services, it is not an easy task to assign customer accounts to sales teams without proper planning. In some cases, it is equally complex to provide access only to selective accounts, for individuals from different teams to work together for a common sales objective.

Multi-office management is a system by which customer accounts are grouped based on a defined set of criteria. This makes for easy sharing of customer accounts among different sales teams in your company. It ensures proper and effective usage of the sales force to maximize sales opportunities, provide excellent customer service and expand the existing customer relationships.

Key Benefits

  • Avoid complex data-sharing structure - Organizations with complex sales structures can use territories to easily share records with users in different teams. It is also convenient to group records based on the account's characteristics rather than the individual ownership of the records.
  • Provide a focused work environment - Distribution of customer accounts by using territories help in creating focused work environments that ensures better sales force engagement. It also increases the sales teams' efficiency by reducing the travel time and increasing the industry expertise.
  • Get an accurate evaluation of the sales team's performance - Generate sales reports based on territories to evaluate and measure the efficiency of sales teams by territory. Also, get a better insight into the sales contribution of each territory.
  • Forecast sales for each territory and set clear goals - Create separate forecast targets for each territory a user belongs to. This will give a clear picture of the goals set for the different territories for users to stay focused.
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