Organize Notes

Organize Notes

Import Notes

There may be occasions when you would like to acquire Notes from external sources or other CRM applications. In  CRM you can easily import notes from external sources.


  • Before importing the notes, you should have already imported the Accounts and Contacts related to the notes.

To import notes

  1. Click Setup > Data Administration > Migrate Data from other CRM.
  2. In the Data Migration Wizard page, select Import Notes from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Next.
  4. In the Migrate Notes page, drop-down, do the following:
    • Browse and select the file to be imported.
      Note, that only CSV files can be imported.
    • Select the Character Encoding from the list.
    • Select the Date and Time format used in the import field. Any other date and time format used in the import file will be ignored.
      The format that you specify here will be used for the Date fields and a combination of the values for Date & Time fields.
    • Select the Send Notification Email check box, to receive a notification mail about the import.
    • Click Next.
  5. In the Map Fields section, map the fields to the field names that you had mentioned in the CSV file.
    The field names that you had mentioned in the CSV file will be available in the drop down lists.
  6. Click Next to import records.
    When the migration is complete an email is sent to the user (administrator) who imported the records.


  • The file size should not exceed 50 MB.
  • In the CSV file, the details in the first row will be treated as the field names.
  • By default, under Advanced Options, the Date and Time values selected are yyyy-mm-dd and hh:mm:ss format respectively. You can change the format but make sure that the selected format is used in the import file. In case of any differences, the default format will be used.

Export Notes

This feature allows you to export the notes from CRM in CSV format. You can export a maximum of 3000 notes at a time.

To export notes

  1. Click Setup > Data Administration > Export Data.
  2. In the Export Data page, select Export Notes from the drop-down list.
  3. Click Export.
  4. In the dialog box, select Save File, and then click OK.
    The records will be exported and saved in .CSV format in your local disk

Delete Notes

Occasionally, you may need to remove the unnecessary notes from CRM for a better user experience. You may consider removing notes that are not useful for future reference.


  • You can delete notes only if you have the Delete permission for Notes.
  • The deleted notes are temporarily stored in CRM's Recycle Bin.
  • If you delete the notes from the Recycle Bin, you cannot restore them.

To delete notes

  1. Click the [Module] tab.
  2. In the [Module] Home page, select the record.
  3. In the [Module] Details page, under Notes section, click the relevant Del link.
  4. In the Confirmation dialog box, click OK to delete the note permanently.
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