Predefined Tracking Conditions

Predefined Tracking Conditions

The below conditions are available for agents to customize the priority circle in their dashboard.

Condition Description
Browser used by the visitor in the website.
(Values : Apple Safari, Google Chrome, Microsoft Internet Explorer, Mozilla Firefox, Opera, Unknown)
Country Country of the visitor accessing the website.
Current page URL of the page where the visitor is accessing.
Current page title Title of the page where the visitor is accessing.
CRM Contact Contact information of your website visitors inCRM, Click to know more.
CRM Lead Lead information of your website visitors in CRM. Click to know more.
CRM Potential Potential value of your website visitors in CRM. Click to know more.
Campaign Source UTM used to identify a search engine, newsletter name, or other source.
Campaign Medium UTM used to identify a medium such as email or cost-per- click.
Campaign Term UTM used for paid search eg: keywords for the ad.
Campaign Content UTM used for testing and content-targeted ads.
Campaign Name UTM used for keyword analysis to identify a specific product promotion or strategic campaign.
Department Department in the chat widget of the website.
IP address IP address of the visitor visiting the website.
Landing page URL of the page where the visitor have landed in the website.
Landing page title Title of the page where the visitor landed in the website.
Number of past chats Count on number of past chats with the visitor.
Number of URLs accessed Count on number of URLs visited by the visitor.
Number of visits Count on number of visit by the visitor in the website.
Operating System
Operating system used by the visitor.
(Values : Android, Apple iPhone, Apple iPod, Apple Macintosh, Blackberry, Kindle, Linux, Microsoft Windows, Motorola, Nintendo, Nokia, PlayStation, Sun Solaris, Symbian, Web OS)
Referrer Source from where the visitor is referred from.
Region of the visitor in the website.
(Values : Asia Pacific, Canada, Europe the Middle East and Africa, North America, South America, United Kingdom)
Search engine
Search engine used by the visitor.
(Values : Baidu, Bing, Google, Inktomi, Teoma, WebCrawler)
State State of the visitor accessing the website.
System status
Status provided by the system for the visitor.
(Values : Accessed, Chat Completed, Clicked, Contacted, Custom, Missed, Responded, Triggered, Triggered Replied, Waiting)
Time since last action Time since last action performed by the visitor in the website.
Time on site Time spent by the visitor in the website.
Visitor availability Visitors availability in the website.
Visitor Type
The type of visitor in your website.
(Values : All, New, Returning)
Visitor Info Use our JavaScript APIs to set the values.
Web Embed Embed in the website where he visitor is accessing.
Advanced To set two or more conditions.
City City from where the visitor is accessing the website.
Visitor Type in CRM
Category of the visitor in CRM.
(Values: Contact, Customer, Lead, Not Available, Prospect)
Triggered Status
Set criteria based on the trigger status, whether the trigger is invoked or not.
(Values: Invoked, Not Invoked)
Previous Page
URL of an important page, where you like to be intimated if the visitor leaves that page and moves to another page. 
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