Related Lists

Related Lists

The Related Lists are the records that are associated to the parent record. For example, an Account has Contacts, Potentials, Notes, Open Activities, etc., associated to it. These associated records are the Related Lists. Customizing the related list view allows you to re-order or modify the columns in the list view.


Profile Permission Required: Users with the Customize Zoho CRM permission can access this feature.

To customize related lists

  1. Log in to CRM with Administrator privileges.
  2. Click Setup > Customization Related List.
  3. In the Related List Columns page, select the module from the Modules List.
  4. Select the options from the Available Columns that you want to be displayed in the Related List. 
  5. Move the selected options to the Selected Columns list.
  6. Click Save.


  • Company defined mandatory fields cannot be removed from the Related List columns.
  • You can create custom fields for a module, and the same will be listed under the Available Columns.
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