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User Events
These are the sound notification, which takes place when an user performs an action. Chat Transfer Alert: the sound that plays to inform you of an incoming chat transfer request from another user. Invitation for Group Support: the sound notifying ...
User Sessions
This feature keeps track of all the user sessions for a particular account. Active sessions for the past 7 days are listed in the sessions screen (including the current session) with additional information like Start Time, IP Address, etc. Users have ...
User Roles
To help your live chat customer support operation run more smoothly, we give you to power to organize your resources effectively. With the ability to add your team members, and configuring them into one of three roles, you will be able to find the ...
Set Currency
Currency settings are an organization specific feature. By default, the currency is set to US dollars ($). However, user(s) with Administrator privilege can change the currency settings depending on the organization's requirement. Based on the ...
Set Discount
While creating price book information, you have an option to choose your Pricing Model based on your business requirement. You can choose from the following options: No discount Flat Discount Differential Discount To define the pricing model with no ...