Share Records

Share Records

Share Records with Groups

In CRM, records are always owned by the user. However, access rights to the records can be extended to other users by grouping a set of users and setting up sharing rules for each module. After setting up the sharing rules, group members can access records in CRM modules as per their permission in their profile.

For example, if "User A" doesn't have access to the Potentials module, he/she cannot access the Potentials by setting up data sharing with groups.

  • The owner has all rights on the records
  • Records cannot be owned by groups. However, records can be shared with other users by groups and setting up data sharing rules
  • A User must have profile-level permission to access the records
  • To apply the record sharing, you must recalculate after setting up the sharing rules

To share data with groups

  1. Click Setup > Users & Permissions Data sharing Rules.
  2. In the Data Sharing Rules page, setup sharing rules for each moduleSee Also Data sharing Rules
  3. Click Save.
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