Share the Code with your Webmaster

Share the Code with your Webmaster

Share the Code with your Webmaster

To share a code snippet with your webmaster from the Welcome Page: 

If you don't have access to your site's HTML code or not comfortable with adding new code, then use the built-in link with each embed to send the code to your webmaster directly.

You can mail the code to your webmaster by clicking on the "Send to Webmaster" button on the welcome page.


To share a code snippet with your webmaster from the web embed page: 

  • Click "Settings".
  • In the Web Embed section, click on the name of the Embed you are attempting to include in the page.
  • Scroll down to the "Button Appearance" section, or "Personalized chat" section and once you have determined the embed style for your page click "Share via email" located directly under the code snippet box.
  • From the message window that pops up enter the "e-mail" address of your webmaster.
  • Feel free to customize the subject line or personalize your message, just be careful not to edit the actual code.
  • Once you are ready, click "Send" to share the instructions and code snippet with your webmaster. 


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