Social Email marketing

Social Email marketing

Email marketing offers social Email marketing as a simple and quicker way to reach a wider audience and engage your customers with your Email marketing. Be it posting a campaign on social media or creating a custom linked tabs on your Facebook page, Email marketing has the solution for questions revolving around the buzz word Social media marketing.

Indeed, Social Email marketing is a modern way to socialize your prospects or customers by sharing your updates and messages. In this module, we’ll discuss on how to build your business on social media through posting a Email marketing and attract visitors and fans by introducing promotional offers using custom tabs for a page campaign.

Applications of Social Email marketing

Campaigns provide a holistic approach to social media through post Email marketing, page Email marketing and sharing your Email marketing on social media.  Let’s dive through the different ways to get benefited by social campaigns.

  • E-commerce - Promote your brand by posting updates, promotional offers on Twitter, Facebook & LinkedIn.
  • Promotional offers - Create a page for your company and put custom linked tabs to attract the visitors to like your page and convert your fans into customers by offering promotional offers.
  • Fund raising program – Promote your cause and create an awareness to raise donations.
  • Event Promotion- Promote your event such as conference, workshop or a training program.
  • Teasers on your upcoming product during the pre-release period of your product.

Connect Social Media Accounts

Campaigns integrates with social media sites such as Facebook, Twitter & LinkedIn so that you can post your campaign, start the page campaign and share your email campaign on social media.

Post Email marketing

Email marketing has a mechanism to post your status, links, quotes, questions or images on social media sites, all in one place and you can either post immediately schedule at a later time.

Page Email marketing

Email marketing offers Page Email marketing where you can create custom linked tabs on your Facebook page with the option to close the offer period and measure the results especially from the page visitors to fans and fans to customers.

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