Standard Fields in Solutions

Standard Fields in Solutions

Following are the list of defined standard fields available in the Solutions module:

Field NameDescriptionData typeMaximum Limit
Solution NumberDisplay the case ID after creating a solutionNumber16 digit
Solution Title*Specify the subject of the solution.This field is mandatoryText boxAlphanumeric(255)
Solution OwnerSelect the name of the user to whom the solution is assigned.Pick list-
Product NameSelect the name of the product to which the solution has to be associated.Lookup-
Question*Select the priority of the solution from the drop-down list.This field is mandatoryText box, AlphanumericAlphanumeric(255)
Answer*Specify solution details.This field is mandatoryText Area-
StatusSpecify the status of the solution.Pick list-
Created ByDisplays the person created the solution first time.Date/Time format 
Last Modified ByDisplays the person modified the solutionDate/Time format 
DescriptionSpecify any other details about solution.Text box32000 characters
CommentsSpecify additional comments about the solution.Text box32000 characters
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