Sometimes, a ticket might involve multiple technician work. In that case, the ticket can be divided into several tasks and each task can be assigned to a technician/group.
For example, consider a scenario where a new employee joins the organization. There is a list of tasks that need to be performed such as seating location, providing a computer/laptop, installing necessary software, connecting telephone links, entering his/her name in the active entry and so on. These operations can be considered as separate tasks and be can assigned to different technicians.
Add Tasks
Zoho Support enables you create various tasks for a single ticket and assign it to multiple agents. This enables the agents to simultaneously work on the ticket resulting in saving the response time and leading to happier customers.
To create a new task, do the following:
- Click Add Task from the Tasks home page.
- In the Add Tasks page, provide the following details:
- The Task Owner is pre-filled for convenience. You can set a different owner if required.
- Specify the Subject for the Task which is mandatory.
- Type the Ticket ID to associate the task with it.
- Select the Category from Call, Meeting or Demo. You can also specify a custom category if available.
- Set the Due Date before which the task should be completed.
- Select a Status from: Not Started, Deferred, In Progress, Completed, or Waiting on someone else.
- Set the Priority as: High, Highest, Low, Lowest or Normal.
- If required, check the Set Reminder option.
- Set the date and time in Remind Me On.
- Select if the alert should be through Email, SMS or a browser Pop-up.
- Enter the Description related to the task.
- Click Submit or Submit and Add New.
Assign Tasks
Using this option, you can assign the task to another support rep who can work on this task. To assign to another support rep, do the following:
- Click and open a Task from the Tasks Home Page.
- In the right pane click Assigned To drop down list to re-assign the task owner.
- Click Save.
Edit Task
You can edit the Task either from the Tasks Home page or from the individual [Task] page.
To edit from the Tasks Home page, do the following:
- In the Tasks Home page, move the mouse pointer over the particular Task you want to edit.
- Click
. - Do the required changes in the Edit Account Page in the respective fields.
- Click Save or Save and New.
To edit from the [Task] page, do the following:
- Open any Task from Tasks Home Page.
- In the [Task] page, click Edit link.
- Do the required changes in the Edit Task Page in the respective fields.
- Click Save or Save and New.
Change Status
You can change the status of the task based on the working status on the task.
To change the status, do the following:
- Click and Open a Task from the Tasks Home Page.
- Click the Edit link in the task page.
- Change the Status to Not Started, Deferred, In Progress, Completed or Waiting on Someone else.
- Click Save or Save and Add New.
Change Priority
You can change the priority of any tasks after creating it.
- Click and open a Task from the Tasks Home Page.
- Click the Edit link in the task page.
- Change the Priority to High, Highest, Low, Lowest or Normal.
- Click Save or Save and Add New.
Delete Task
You can delete a Task from the Tasks Home Page or from individual [Tasks] page. Also, it is possible to delete two or more Tasks simultaneously.
To delete a Task from [Tasks] Home page, do the following:
- Move your pointer over any particular task.
- Click
. - Click OK on the confirmation message.
- The Task is deleted from the Tasks Home page.
To delete a Task from [Task] page, do the following:
- From the Tasks Home page, open any Task.
- Click Delete link.
- Click OK on the confirmation message.
- The Task is deleted from the Tasks Home page.
Sort Tasks
You can sort through your tasks in Support either in the ascending or descending order by following the below steps:
- In the Tasks Home Page, move your mouse pointer over the Sort by drop-down menu.
- Sort the Tasks by selecting any of the below options:
- Subject
- Category
- Due Date
- Status
- Priority
- Created Time
- Modified Time
Once you'd sorted the tasks by a filter mentioned above, click
to list them in ascending or descending order.
View Tasks
Views are of two types: Predefined (standard view) and Agent Created View (Custom View). Using View, you can see the list of Tasks based on the Tasks type selected.
Predefined View
You can see a list of below mentioned Predefined views on the left pane. These views cannot be modified or deleted.
- All Tasks
- My Tasks
- My Open Tasks
- Completed Tasks
- Open Tasks
- Overdue Tasks
- Todays Tasks
- Tomorrow's Tasks
- Today + Overdue
- Next 7 days + Overdue
Agent Created View
You can also create custom views in addition to the above default views.
- Click Create New View from the left pane of Tasks Home page.
- In the Create New View page, enter the below fields:
- Enter View Name.
- Select Field Criteria.
- Select Accessibility Details as
- All Agents are allowed to view this Custom View.
- Show this Custom View only to me.
- Allow the following users to view this Custom View.Using this you can select Roles, Roles and Subordinate, Groups and Agents.
- Select the users from the Available column and click Add.
- Click Save.
- You can also combine two or more field criteria and create a pattern with "Add" or "OR" functions.
Mass Actions
You can perform a mass update, change owner or mass delete. To perform a mass action, do the following:
- In the Tasks Home page, select multiple Tasks using the check box.
- Click Update.
- In the Mass update window, select the Field to Update and provide a New value.
- Click Save.
- Click Delete.
- Click OK to the confirmation message.
- Click Change Owner.
- Select an agent as New Owner.
- Click Save.
Due Date Display
If your task created is not completed within the due date, it is displayed in the Tasks detail page. Just click any task that has exceeded the due date and you can find the below details in the right pane of Tasks detail page.
- Due on date and time
- Late by number of days
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