Types of Web Embeds

Types of Web Embeds

Not only can you customize your buttons, widgets, and chat windows to match your brand’s look-and-feel, but we also give you the freedom to choose where and how you include live chat, and give you multiple options of how to display to your customers their ability to connect instantly with you.

Float Button

The float window is a handy way to attract your visitor’s attention throughout your pages without intruding into their on-page experience. When you embed a click-to-chat portal on a page with the Float Window option, you give your customers consistent, easy-to-find access to great customer support through live chat. 


Because the window “floats” along your visitor’s browser, even as he explores a page and scrolls down, your chat widget is still visible.

Finding your SalesIQ Float code snippet

  • Login to your SalesIQ Operator console.
  • Click "Settings".
  • In the Web Embed section, click on the name of the Embed you are attempting to include in a page.
  • Scroll down to the "Button Appearance" section and choose "Float window".
  • Select the code snippet below and copy.


Customizing your float Appearance

Not only do you have options about how and where you present customers paths into chatting with your support agents, but you also have the complete freedom to customize how these different options look, so they fit perfectly into your web presence.

The last thing you need is a pasted-on live chat widget sticking out on your page like a sore thumb. Customers trust and are more likely to utilize live chat when their path to your support operation is seamlessly sewn into your existing web presence.

Which is exactly why we made it easy to customize the look and feel of your float windows.

To customize the appearance of a specific Float Window

  1. Click "Settings".
  2. In the Web Embed section, click the name of the embed you want to customize.
  3. In the "Button Appearance" section, click Change the Appearance. This will display all the options for customizing the float chat.
  4. Make your changes and click "Save".


In the Float Button Appearance screen, you can customize the following:


  1. Theme: Set the color for the background and the border of the float button. For each specific embed, any changes to the theme or colors apply to both the chat button and float button.
  2. Icon: Choose an Icon for the Float Button from the options provided. You can also set the alignment and the placement of a selected icon. These changes also apply to the chat button as well.
  3. Online Status Message: Edit and customize the two lines of text,  both content and color, in the chat button, the first line is shared with the Float Button, and be what your customers see when your live chat operation is online.
  4. Offline Status Message: Program the message your visitors see in the buttons (both float and chat) when your SalesIQ is offline.
  5. Use online theme for offline: Click to switch online appearance on even when all your agents are offline. When switched on only the message will change when your agents are all offline. 
  6. Float button size: Select your required float button size to match your website.
  7. Float button alignment: Set the alignment for the float window. Choose which quadrant you want the button to float over, and use the detailed settings to create a more accurate alignment by either pixels or percentage.  
  8. Upload bubble image: Upload your custom float bubble image here
  9. Float button options: Decide if you want to show a chat bubble above your button, or even customize the image that pops up above your button by uploading your own image.  You can also choose to display your agents who are online or not.
  10. Show agents: Display agents to your site visitors.
  11. Tracking: Track your site visitors in real time.

If you make any changes, be sure to Click Save.

Chat Button

The standard chat button is placed in a desired location on a page to give your customers easy access to your customer support through live chat. Ensure that visitors seeking out solutions see their option to initiate a live chat, by placing buttons where you know curious customers are seeking out for answers.

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