Use Multi- Office Management

Use Multi- Office Management

Enable Multi-Office Management

While enabling this feature, you have two options:

Build Multi- Office hierarchy from scratch - Using this option, you can create Multi- Office hierarchy from scratch.

Extend your Multi- Office hierarchy from role hierarchy  - Using this option, you can replicate the hierarchy from Roles to Multi- Office. All the users in a role will be added as user in the Multi- Office. The role managers (in the new role hierarchy) will be transferred as Multi- Office managers. You may later have to change the Multi- Office hierarchy as per you business needs.

It is important to note that you can either build Multi- Office hierarchy from scratch or extend your role hierarchy to territory hierarchy. Once the option is chosen, you cannot go back to the other option.

Once territory management is enabled:

  • All the accounts, clients  will have an additional field, Territories.
  • In the accounts, clients home page, a drop-down will be available with the Multi- Office that you create.
  • You will have the option to create forecasts based on Multi- Office hierarchy. Users belonging to multiple Multi- Office can have multiple forecast targets set for each territory.

To enable Multi- Office management

  1. Click Setup > Multi- Office Management > Multi- Offices
  2. Click Get Started. You will have the following options to create a Multi- Office hierarchy.
    • Extend from Role Hierarchy - Click to replicate the hierarchy from roles to Multi- Offices.
    • Start from Scratch - Click to create Multi- Office hierarchy from scratch.

Create Territories

Users with the Administrator profile can create Multi- Offices.  Multi- Offices managers also have the default privilege to create sub Multi- Offices for their Multi- Offices.

To create a Multi- Offices

  1. Click SetupMulti- Offices Management > Multi- Offices.
  2. Click New Multi- Offices.
  3. In the Create Multi- Office page, specify the following:
    • Specify a Name for the territory.
    • Choose a Multi- Office Manager from the drop-down list.
    • Choose a Parent Multi- Office from the lookup.
    • Search and add Users and allot Permissions.
      These users will have access to the records assigned to this territory. All the users can have the same permission for the records, either Read Only or Read/Write/Delete.
    • Under Account Rule, specify criteria for accounts.
      Based on this rule criteria, territories will be assigned to accounts in Client management system.

    • Enter Description.
  4. Click Create.

Delete  Multi- Offices

To delete a territory

  1. Click Setup Multi- Office Management Multi- Offices.
  2. In the  Multi- Office Hierarchy page, move your mouse pointer to a  Multi- Office and click on the Delete icon.
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