Using Your Visitor tracking & Live chat Visitors Module

Using Your Visitor tracking & Live chat Visitors Module

In Visitor tracking & Live chat, the Visitors module is where all the action happens. This module is home base for your Visitor tracking & Live chat, and if you click the Visitor tracking & Live chat logo in the top left corner of the dashboard you will be taken to either your:

  • Chats view—if you are currently in at least one chat with a visitor
  • Missed view—if you have missed chat requests
  • Chat History viewif you have no active or missed chats

The Chats View

In the Chats view, you can see all your active chats with visitors. When you are engaged in more than one chat at the same time, the chat window neatly organizes your active chats into tabs. 

If you are on another page in your Visitor tracking & Live chat, you will know if you have active chats by looking on the left hand navigation and seeing Chats under the Visitors module—a number will be displayed next to Chats, displaying how many active chats you currently have.

To access the Chats view from another page:

  • Simply click Chats in the left-hand navigation of your Visitor tracking & Live chat.

Here in the Chats window you engage with your customers in live chats, where you can also send those visitors files and links, transfer the chat to another agent, or if they are spamming or harassing you, even block the visitors IP address from starting new chats. 

A quick view of your customers

While you chat you will also see a quick-view of the Visitor’s Info, on the right side, which will give you easy access to your visitor’s e-mail address and the page they were visiting when they initiated the live chat. You can also see the visitor’s location—represented by a small flag icon, their browser and operating system.

With this common information already at hand, you can tailor a customer’s support experience to their specifications, and move the support process along quicker by avoiding asking the customer about what browser and operating system they are using.

Viewing in-depth visitor information

While in a chat, if you want to or need to see more information about the visitor you are chatting with, click the Information icon, at the top right of the chat window to display the visitor’s complete info.

This detailed view will give you access to the visitor’s IP address, more detailed location information—including State and City, along with advanced browser and operating system information.

The powerful features inside the chats view

It is easy to move back to the chat window and keep chatting, just click the Chat Window icon.

You can also click on the Notes icon, and see the notes view where you can add notes about the current chat or customer.

From the top right, you can also click the more actions icon, to have the option to print a transcript of the current chat, save the transcript as a PDF, or send the transcript to any e-mail address you enter.

You can view the chat history (if any) you have for the visitor—to get a quick refresher on the customer and their needs.

Other options for you in the Chat window are to format the text you are entering to a visitor with the format buttons (bold, italics, underline and text color) and the ability to deploy canned messages to quickly respond to common questions.

Preview on shared images

Now having preview on the shared images is made easier. You can even zoom in to view it for the actual size.

Once the file is shared by the visitor you just have to hover over the image, which shows magnifying glass a click on it will zoom in as per your need.

Ending a chat

Once you have helped the customer, you can click End Session to end a live chat.  If you are satisfied with the chat, and the customer has finished asking questions, you can click End Immediate.

If you aren’t sure if the customer is done asking questions or is even actively viewing the chat, you can choose to End Session by time (either 90, 60, 45, or 30 seconds). When you select one of these options, Visitor tracking & Live chat will begin to count that amount down, and if the visitor in the chat doesn’t respond before that time, the chat will automatically end. There is no reason to babysit dead chats that aren’t going anywhere.

The visitor will see a message and a countdown, prompting them to re-engage if they want to continue the chat, and if they start typing the countdown to close will end, and the session will continue.

When you have no active chats, you will not be able to navigate to the Chats window, and as such will not see a link to it on the left hand module column.

Google Translation

Need to support your visitors from different countries with different languages. Not to worry, Visitor tracking & Live chat instantly uses Google translator to translate the visitor messages on receiving a chat. On receiving a chat you will get a notification message stating the “language detected! Would you like to translate? Yes or No”. Click “Yes” to get the chat translated else click “No” to continue with the Visitor local language.

Stop Translation During Chat

If you like to continue with the visitor local language during the chat. You can stop the translation at any time during the chat.

To stop Translation

  • Inside the chat view window, click “More Actions”.
  • Click “Stop Translation”.
  • Click on the “View Original Transcript” on top to get the chat displayed on visitor local Language if needed.

Continue Translation Again

You can continue translation on need even if it is been stopped before.

To Continue Translation

  • Inside the chat view window, click “More Actions&rdquo
  • Click “Translate This chat”.
  • Click on the “View Translated Transcript” on top to get the chat displayed with Agent Language.
Note: To get the Google translation activated make sure you enable it in Portal Settings.

The Visitors View

While you have live visitors, this view will appear under the Visitors module in the left-hand navigation, displaying the number of live visitors you currently have. You can access the live visitors page, by clicking on Visitors in the left-hand navigation under the Visitors module.

Here you can see all current visitors interacting with your Visitor tracking & Live chat, their e-mail addresses, their initial question they entered when starting the live chat the time they began the chat (and the chat’s duration), and the agent they are currently chatting with.

Click on a visitor’s name to view and monitor the chat transcript of the chat they are having currently with an agent, up to the moment you loaded the view. If you are the agent who is conducting the chat, you can quickly jump back into the active chat by clicking the green Join button at the top right of the Live Visitor window.

As with the Chats view, you can also navigate using the icons to view and add notes about the customer or chat, or explore detailed information about the live visitor.

The Missed view

Another sub-section of the Visitors Module, you can access this view only when a visitor attempts to initiate a chat with your customer support operation through live chat, and neither you nor your agents answer. In the Missed Visitors view, you have access to the requests that are automatically created each time your Visitor tracking & Live chat misses a customer’s chat request.

This view is accessible from the left-hand navigation under the Visitors module, any time your Visitor tracking & Live chat has a Missed Visitor that has yet to be addressed. As with the other views, you can also see the total number of Missed visitors by the number to the right of the view’s link in the Visitors Module.

Click Missed to enter the missed visitors view.

Viewing and assigning missed requests

Here you can see each missed visitors name and e-mail, along with the question they asked and the time they submitted the request. You can also see what agent has been assigned to take care of the request, or you can assign one yourself by clicking assign and choosing an agent from the drop-down menu. Use the included search to find the agent you intend to assign the request to, and then click the agent to finalize the assignment.

As with all the Visitor views, you can click the visitor’s name to view the complete question they submitted, and use the icons at the top-right to view the visitor’s detailed information and notes section.

Replying to and closing a missed request

To reply to the missed request, click the Reply button at the top right, and type your reply in the editor that will appear. Click Send to send the message, or Send & Close to deliver the reply and close the outstanding ticket associated with the missed chat request. It is also easy to add someone to the message, just click +Cc on the right side of the window even with the visitor's e-mail address line and you can copy anyone on the message--this is an easy way to keep your supervisor or another team member who helped this customer in the loop.

You can also close the outstanding request by clicking the Close button at the top right.

Replying to any visitor

In the same way you reply to missed requests above, you can also use Visitor tracking & Live chat to send reply mails directly to any visitor, even if their request has already been closed or they chatted with another agent.

Wrap up any outstanding questions or follow-up directly with customers quickly and easily. With access the the chat transcript directly below the mail editor, you have the information you need to accurately respond to a customer all from one window. 

Draft Save and Compose Email

Your mails get saved as you draft so now you can attend any live chat while drafting a mail. Just a click on the reply button again will get back the mail from where you have left.

The Chat History view

Through your Visitor tracking & Live chat;s Chat History view, accessible by clicking History in the left-hand navigation, you have access to the archives of all activity from your live chat customer support operation.

Exploring your visitor history

When you enter the History view, you will see the chats from your Visitor tracking & Live chat, the most recent displayed at the top, and going back in time as you scroll down. Each section displays the name and e-mail address of the visitor who started the chat, their question, and the time they submitted the chat along with the agent that attended their live chat offline request.

Filtering your visitor history

You can filter how you view the chats from the Filter drop-down menu at the top-right, or click the box beside Assigned to Me, to quickly view your complete history. Filter the history by agent, status (closed, attended online, attended by e-mail address, or missed) department, embed or date.

Deleting records from your history

You can delete a specific record by hovering over the record, checking the box to the left of the visitor’s name that appears and then clicking the Delete button that appears in the top-left of the History view.

To delete multiple records at once, you can follow the process of checking the box to the left of multiple records, and then clicking the Delete button. If you want to delete all records you have pulled up through a certain filter, check one box to the left of a record, and then check the box to the left of the Delete button—this will select all the records on the current view, the number of which it will display on the Delete button—and you can click Delete to clear them out of your system.

Viewing the transcript of a record

To view the transcript of a particular record, click the record.

In the transcript view you also have access through the icons at the top-right to the visitor’s information, and the notes section.

If after reviewing the transcript you wish to send the visitor an e-mail, you can click the Reply button at the top-right, to bring up a compose message box where you can then send the message.

The Feedback view

The feedback view, accessible by clicking Feedback on the left-hand navigation below the Visitors module, lets you see how your chat support operation is performing through the eyes of those they are supporting.

Exploring your customers' feedback

After you enter this view you will see your Visitor tracking & Live chat’s most recent visitor-submitted feedback.

You can see the name and e-mail address of the visitor who left each piece of feedback, the comments they left (if any) and the time they submitted it, and the agent who they chatted with along with their visitor’s rating.

Visitors rate agents' performances by stars, on a scale of one (poor) to five (excellent) stars.

Filtering your feedback

By clicking the filter drop-down menu at the top-right, it is easy to filter your feedback. You can filter by date, to see how your agents performed on a certain day, week, month, etc. Or filter by a particular agent to see only their feedback. Even filter by rating—to see what are the common factors of all your 5-star rated chats.

The detailed feedback view

If you want to explore a particular chat in detail, say to discover how an agent scored so high with a customer, click the visitor’s name in the feedback view and a detailed view of the feedback and chat will slide out from the right.

In this area there are four sections:

  1. In the Chat section you can view the transcript of the chat and review. 
  2. In the Notes section, you can view an agent’s notes about the chat or customer, and add your own.
  3. The Enquire Agent section, allows you to send the agent a message about the chat—complimenting them on their great job, for example—and you can easily add an agent’s supervisor to the message.
  4. You can click on Reply to Visitor, to send a message to the visitor who