Visitor History

Visitor History

Wouldn’t it be great to observe the visitor’s visit-specific data such as which type of visitor visit your website, when they visited your site and how they reached your website?

Visitor History is designed to help you find out more information about the visitor visiting your website. It reports on exactly which type of visitor visit your website, how they reached your website and what pages they’ve viewed. Best of all, this visitor information is gathered even if their identity is not known; the details of the visitor will be captured under the Random ID provided to them. With Visitor History, you will be able to understand who your prospective customers are and proactively reach out to them.

Visitor History Overview

In the Visitor History, you can view the information in detail about your website visitors throughout their visits. Visitor history stores the behavior and action of each visitor during their visits. Using the visitor history, you can learn more about the visitor behavior over a period of time. The Visitor History stores visit-specific data such as Visitors First and Last Visit, Duration of Each Visit, Pages Visited, etc.

Smart View

The visitors visiting your website will be listed in the Visitor History section. The following Information of the visitor will be displayed:

  1. Name - The Name of the visitor
  2. Email - The registered email address of the visitor
  3. Flag – The flag of the country from where the visitor is visiting your website
  4. Time Spent- Total minutes spent on the website by the visitor on the current visit
  5. Last Visit – The visitor's previous visit day, date and time.
  6. Source – The source used by the visitor to reach your website
  7. IP Address – The IP Address of the visitor (appears when the visitor name is not tracked)

New User’s Visitor History View

The Visitor history page view when no visitor is tracked on your website. You will see two default tabs available “All Visitors” and “Returning Visitors”. You can also click on the “ Create your own list” link and create your own visitor views.

Visitors Tab

There are two types of default tabs available in the visitor history they are:

  1. All Visitors: This tab lists all the visitors visiting your website.
  2. Returning Visitors: This tab separates the repeated visitors from the all visitors and lists in the separate row.

Set Your Own Filters

There are two options available that allows you to set your own filters to list the visitors visiting your website.

How to Create Your Own List Views?

To create your own list, either click on the Create your own list link or click on the Settings -> Create List option

The “Create your Views” window will then appear.

Now choose the type of visitor you would like to filter and view in the list.

    • Choose a Condition from the drop-down.
    • Then, choose criteria based on the condition and enter a value in the text box.
    • To add more filters in the same list, click on the “And +” or “OR +”.
      • To apply any one of the listed filter, use OR + option.
      • To apply all the mentioned filter, use And + option.
    • To delete a filter, click on the (-) symbol near the Enter a value.
You can sort the visitor list by choosing an option from the Sort By drop-down.

To set this filter as your favorite, check on the “Set as Favorite”. The applied filter name will appear in the text box you can also edit and enter a different name in the text box.

Finally click Apply.

Now, you will be able to view the list in a separate column. If the filter is set as favorite then it will be listed along with the All Visitors and Returning Visitors.

You can also delete the favorite list by clicking on the Delete (Trash) icon next to the name in the list.

Send E-mail from Visitor Information

You have an option to email your visitors from the visitor history tab. By clicking on the Send Mail option, you can mail to the visitors registered mail ID.


Once the Send Email button is clicked, the email composing section will appear. Type the email you would like to send the visitor at a click. You also have an option to CC the email and save as draft.

If an email is sent to the visitor, a small icon will appear near the visitor name in the visitor list.


You can add important notes about your visitor in the notes section for future follow-up.

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