Website Visitor Analytics

Website Visitor Analytics

In the final report section you can view the visitors website activity with the aggregate count. In this view, you can visualize your site visitor activity across the selected time frame.
  1. Visits - Visits is the total number of visits to your website during the set date range.
  2. Unique visitors – Unique visitors refers to the number of unique individuals that visited your website within a specific timeframe, with the aggregate percentage.
  3. Contacted - Count on number of proactive triggers initiated by the user.
  4. Responded - Count on chats replied by the visitor on proactive chat triggers within a specific timeframe, with the aggregate percentage.
  5. Avg Time Spent - The average time spent by the visitors in your site for a specific time frame.
  6. Avg Page Visited – Average number of pages visited by the visitors.
  7. Total Page Views – Count on total number of pages viewed
  8. Total Visitor – Count on number of visitors
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