What are Workflow Rules, Workflow Alerts, Workflow Tasks & Workflow Assignment Values?

What are Workflow Rules, Workflow Alerts, Workflow Tasks & Workflow Assignment Values?

Workflow Rules

Workflow Rule helps you to specify, when a workflow should be triggered & be executed   ( based on criteria ).

Workflow Alerts

Using Workflow Alerts you can send automatic pre-defined e-mail notifications when a workflow is executed. You can choose an e-mail template for this  notification. Notification can be sent to Support Reps, Record Owner and Creator or to anyone by specifying their e-mail alias. Contacts can also be notified when the Rule is set for the Request module.

You can also associate a Workflow Alert to multiple Workflow Rules.

Workflow Tasks

Using Workflow Tasks you can create tasks for Support Reps when a workflow is executed. You can also set the due date for the task based on the Workflow trigger date.

You can associate a Workflow Task to multiple Workflow Rules.

Workflow Assignment Values

Using Workflow Assignment Values you can auto-assign tickets to Support Reps, set its due date, change priority & update fields in a module.

You can associate a Workflow Assignment Value to multiple Workflow Rules.