How can I insert values from the request form into e-mail template?
To insert values from the request form into your e-mail template, follow the steps mentioned below: While creating an e-mail template, select a module under Available Merge Fields, to list the fields available under that module. Select a field to ...
Can I move a solution from one topic to another?
Yes, you can move solutions from one topic to another. To move a solution, Click Solutions tab Select a solution, you wanted to move Click Move To, to list the topics available under Solutions Select a topic you wanted to move this solution and ...
Solution to be viewed only by those logged into self-service portal.
Yes, you can restrict a solution to be viewed only by those logged into self-service portal. When you add a new solution, select the option "Display only to registered customers in customer portal" under the Public Section.
Set a Topic to private.
You can set a Topic (including all the solutions under it) to private, so that it is not visible in the customer portal. To set a topic as private, Go to Solutions tab in Helpdesk Right click on a Topic and select Make all solutions Private Your ...
How can I add a new Topic containing solutions?
You can add multiple Topics to contain solutions. To add a new Topic, Click Solutions tab in Helpdesk Right click on your parent Topic In the options listed click Create Topic You can also right click on an existing topic, to add a sub-topic to it.
Can I associate a Workflow Alert or Task or an Assignment value to multiple Workflow Rules?
Yes, you can associate a Workflow Alert or Workflow Task or Workflow Assignment Value to multiple Workflow Rules.
What are Workflow Rules, Workflow Alerts, Workflow Tasks & Workflow Assignment Values?
Workflow Rules Workflow Rule helps you to specify, when a workflow should be triggered & be executed ( based on criteria ). Workflow Alerts Using Workflow Alerts you can send automatic pre-defined e-mail notifications when a workflow is executed. ...
What is a Workflow ?
Workflow helps you in automating your support process. Using workflow, you can assign requests to support reps based on predefined criteria, set request due date based on priority, create task, send notifications e-mail & update fields. Repeat tasks ...
How can I use Workflow?
Workflows are available in the following modules, Requests, Solutions, Contacts, Accounts, Contracts & Products In all organization, a pre-defined process will be followed for assignment of tickets, tracking status, setting due dates & sending ...
What is Logo-linkback URL?
Logo-linkback URL is the page to which your customers would be re-directed when they click on your organization's logo in the customer self-service portal. For example, you can provide the homepage website URL of your organization.
Can I notify my customers on expiry of their contract?
No.Currently you cannot notify an expiring contract to your customers. However, you can notify your support agents or your Contracts Team so that they can follow-up with your customers. To configure contract expiry notification to your support reps ...
How do I add Customer Portal for my organization?
Customer Portal for your subscription would be automatically enabled when you add a portal user. To add portal users to access your organization's self-service portal, follow the steps mentioned below: Go to Setup>Customer Portal>Users Click Add ...
How do I customize Customer Portal home screen?
You can customize your Customer Portal Home screen by adding Widgets and Sections based on your requirements. You can also choose to hide or show the default widgets and sections in the portal. To enable these customization, Go to Setup>Customer ...
Can Portal users see requests submitted by others from their Organization?
Yes, you can provide permission for portal users to view the requests submitted from their organization. To enable permission, Go to>Setup>Customer Portal>Access Settings In the "Access Permission for Organization Requests" section, check "Allow ...
Can I restrict departments for Customer Portal Users?
No, you cannot restrict a particular department for select Customer Portal users. However, while creating a department you can choose to hide it from being viewed in the Customer Portal.
Where can I display the contact information of my organization?
The Customer Portal is designed with a separate section called "Right Side Customization", under which you find a pre-defined section called "Contact Info". This Section can be edited to enter your organization's contact information. To Edit this ...
Change the display order of the Widgets and Sections.
You can customize the order in which the sections and widgets are to be displayed in the Customer Portal Home Page. Just drag and drop the sections/widgets according to your needs. Click Preview to see the change and click Save to confirm.
I cannot delete a section.
You are not allowed to delete the pre-defined sections in the Customer Portal. However, you can delete custom sections. To delete a custom section, do the following: Click the Delete bucket following the Section Name you intend to delete. Confirm ...
How to edit a Section in the Portal?
You can edit both pre-defined and custom sections in the Customer Portal. To edit a section, follow the steps below: Click the Edit pen following the Section Name you intend to edit. In the Edit Section window, make the necessary changes to the ...
How can I add a custom section?
You can add a custom section under the Main Content Area in the Customer Portal. To create a new section, do the following: Log into Helpdesk Click Setup>Customer Portal>Home Page Customization Click Add New Section under Main Content Area In the ...
Can I delete a pre-defined Widget?
You are not allowed to delete a pre-defined widget. However you can delete your custom widgets. To delete a custom widget: Rollover your mouse on a custom widget to highlight the delete option. Click Delete and confirm your action by ...
How to edit a Widget? I am unable to edit the URL value of pre-defined widgets.
You can edit both the pre-defined and the custom widgets. The only exception being the URL value of the pre-defined widgets. To edit a widget: Rollover your mouse on a widget to highlight the edit option. Click Edit. In the Edit Widget page, you ...
Can I hide a Widget in the Customer Portal?
By default, hide option is provided to all the widgets in the Customer Portal Homepage. Widgets shown in the homepage are notified in orange and those hidden would be in grey. To hide a widget, rollover your mouse on it to highlight the Visible at ...
How to search for requests in the portal?
You can search for your requests from the "My Request Page" in the Customer Portal. Your search can be based on Request Id, Subject, Status, Priority or E-mail.
What are the access permissions available in the Customer Portal?
You are provided with the following access permissions, for the customer portal. All customers can access customer portal Only Registered customers can access customer portalTo set permissions, Goto Setup>Customer Portal>Access Settings
How to de-activate a Customer Portal User?
To de-activate Customer Portal User, follow the steps mentioned below: Go to Setup> Customer Portal>Users. You can find a list of Portal Users who have been added previously Select the user you intend to de-activate and click Deactivate Portal User.
Can I choose to show/hide a department from the Customer Portal?
Yes, you can choose to show or hide a department in your organization's self-service portal. While creating a department, you can leave "Don't show this department in customer portal" option unchecked to display the department in the Customer ...
Can I delete a department?
No, you cannot delete a Department. However you can disable it in the department's detail view page. Also to stop fetching e-mails to the department you intend to disable, follow the steps mentioned below: Goto Setup>Mail Settings>Mail Server ...
How can I move requests between departments?
If you have multiple departments in your account, you are allowed to move a request between departments. To move a request, follow the steps mentioned below: Go to detail view of a request From the header, click Move, to open a list of departments ...
Can I configure multiple support e-mail address to a department?
Yes, you can configure multiple e-mail address to a department. While adding Mail Account under Mail Server Settings, you can associate a department to your support e-mail address. For example, you can associate support@mycompany.com & ...
Where can I provide the support e-mail address for a department?
To configure support e-mail address to a Department, follow the steps mentioned below: After creating a department, Go to Setup>Mail Settings>Mail Server Settings Click Add Mail Account Choose a department from the drop down list, to associate the ...
Associating multiple support agents to a department.
To associate multiple support agents to a department, follow the steps mentioned below: Go to Setup>Organization Settings>Departments Choose a department to associate multiple support agents to it In the department detail view page, click Add Support ...
Associate a Support Rep with multiple departments.
You can associate a support agent to multiple departments in Helpdesk. Follow the steps mentioned below: Goto Setup>Users & Permissions> Users In the Users page, edit a support rep and check the departments they can access under the "Department ...
How to toggle between departments to view records?
To view records from a different departments, you need to choose from the drop down at the top of the page, next to your company logo.
Can I insert an image in the e-mail template?
Yes, you can insert images in e-mail template sent to your customers and support agents. Use the Insert image option available in the editor area while creating an e-mail template.
Can I import solutions from an external resource?
Yes, you can import your solution database from an external resource. The file you intend to import should either be in .csv or .xls format.
Can I move a solution from one topic to another?
Yes, you can move solutions from one topic to another. To move a solution, Click Solutions tab Select a solution, you wanted to move Click Move To, to list the topics available under Solutions Select a topic you wanted to move this solution and ...
Solution to be viewed only by those logged into self-service portal.
Yes, you can restrict a solution to be viewed only by those logged into self-service portal. When you add a new solution, select the option "Display only to registered customers in customer portal" under the Public Section.
Set a Topic to private.
You can set a Topic (including all the solutions under it) to private, so that it is not visible in the customer portal. To set a topic as private, Go to Solutions tab in Helpdesk Right click on a Topic and select Make all solutions Private Your ...
How can I add a new Topic containing solutions?
You can add multiple Topics to contain solutions. To add a new Topic, Click Solutions tab in Helpdesk Right click on your parent Topic In the options listed click Create Topic You can also right click on an existing topic, to add a sub-topic to it.
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