When my account is downgraded, what happens to the Time Based Actions that are scheduled for records?
Time Based Actions are available only in the Enterprise Edition. So when your account is downgraded, all the time based actions that are scheduled for the records will be deleted.
How many alerts, tasks and field updates can I associate to a workflow rule?
You can associate maximum 5 alerts, 5 tasks and 3 field updates to each action (Instant or Time Based) in a workflow rule.
What are Time Based Actions?
Time Based Actions are a combination of alerts, tasks, and field updates that are triggered on a specified time after the rule is executed. You can create maximum 5 time based actions and associate to a rule. There are two options to associate ...
What is the limitation for the number of emails that can be sent to the customers using workflow alerts?
While using workflow alerts, you can send emails to customers, users in your Zoho CRM account as well as additional recipients. Following are details of limitations for the number of emails that can be sent to your customers using workflow alerts. ...
How can I disable workflow rules for Standard users?
Workflow rules can be defined by any user who has the 'Manage Workflow' permission. By default, the Standard profile user also has this permission and you cannot change it. However, you can create another profile without the 'Manage Workflow' ...
What are the mandatory fields while importing data?
While importing data, all the mandatory fields in CRM (for the record type) needs to be mentioned in the import file. For example, if Lead Name and Company details are mandatory to add a lead in CRM, you need to have these details mentioned in the ...
How do I import records and assign it to other users in my organization?
You can import records and assign it to other users in your organization by using two features: Import My Organization's Records - While importing, the import file should have a column that contains the exact email address of the users to whom you ...
How can I export data from CRM?
You can export data individually from the modules and also from the reports. While exporting a report, you can get maximum of 20000 records in bulk. Note: Let's say a user has 100000 records. Each page displays 2000 records. When he exports data, he ...
How can I associate contacts with the respective accounts while importing them using a single import file?
While importing the accounts and contacts using a single file, you can associate the contacts with the respective accounts. Your import file may contain both the contact and account details. You need to do the following: Copy the Account information ...
How do I share the records in the Free Edition?
In CRM, you can share data to other users by assigning the records to different users. You can do so by changing the Record Owner. Users will be the owner of the all the records that they are assigned. You can change the owner of the records by ...
How can I get access to the "Deduplicate" tool?
The Deduplicate feature is available in the Enterprise and Professional Editions and accessible only to the users with CEO Role. Please contact the administrator of your account for access to the feature. To access this feature, go the [Module] Home ...
On what basis are the duplicate records identified during import?
While importing records, there are options to overwrite, skip and clone the duplicate records. All the duplicate records are identified based on some fields for each type of record. Following are the fields for each type of record: Leads - Email ...
How to avoid duplicate records while importing?
While importing records, you can use the Skip or Overwrite option to avoid creating duplicate records. The duplicate records are identified based on a particular field for each type of record. Following are the fields for each type of record: Leads - ...
I could not import the file. What could be the possible reasons?
The following could be one of the reasons why you could not import the file. There is no column header in the import file. Each column needs to have a column header. For example, the column that contains the email address of the records can have the ...
How can I delete the records that I imported recently?
The Rollback option permanently deletes the data that you import to your CRM account so that you can import the data again. This is useful in cases when the data is not imported properly and you prefer to import the same data again. To delete ...
What are the things I need to check before I import data?
Before you import you data, it is recommended that you test your import with a sample file. Please go through the ckecklist to make sure you import your data properly. Related Link Import Data to CRM
How can I share data only with certain selected users?
You can provide access rights to selected users belonging to other roles and groups by creating your own Data Sharing Rules. This feature helps you to create rules to provide access or restrict users from viewing your data in various modules. See ...
What are the mandatory fields while importing data?
While importing data, all the mandatory fields in CRM (for the record type) needs to be mentioned in the import file. For example, if Lead Name and Companydetails are mandatory to add a lead in CRM, you need to have these details mentioned in the ...
Why am I unable to import more than 1500 records?
While importing records to CRM, you cannot import more than 1500 records if: The import file is not in CSV format - To import more than 1500 records, the file should be in CSV format. You are in the Free Edition - You can import more than 1500 ...
How do I import records and assign it to other users in my organization?
You can import records and assign it to other users in your organization by using two features: Import My Organization's Records - While importing, the import file should have a column that contains the exact email address of the users to whom you ...
How can I get access to the "Deduplicate" tool?
The Deduplicate feature is available only in the Enterprise Edition and accessible only to the users with CEO Role. Please contact the administrator of your account for access to the feature.
How do I import Notes, Tasks, Events or Calls and associate it to other records?
You can import Notes, Tasks, Events, and Calls using the Migrate Data from other CRM feature. While importing, you may have to associate the imported notes, tasks, events or calls with other records in CRM. In order to do so, you need to have the ...
How to import my leads into CRM account?
To import your leads into CRM account, do the following: Click the Leads tab. In the Leads Home page, click Import My Leads. In the Import Wizard page do the following: Click Browse to locate the required file that is to be imported. Select ...
Whom are the imported records assigned to?
The imported records are assigned to users based on the import option that you select. Import my Records – If you import records using this feature, all the records will be assigned to you. Import my Organization's records – If you import records ...
How can I export notes?
The Export Notes feature allows you to export the notes from CRM in CSV format. You can export a maximum of 3000 notes at a time. To export notes Click Setup > Data Administration > Export Data. In the Export Data page, select Export Notes from the ...
How to import product details from an external source into CRM?
You can import the product details by following the steps given below: Click the Products tab. In the Products Home page, click Import Products. In the Import Products page, browse the Products-related data in CSV/XLS format and then click Submit. In ...
Can I change the format of the Case Number?
No, you cannot change the format of the Case Number. However, you can hide the Case Number field and create a custom field as per your requirements. To hide fields Log in to CRM with Administrator's privilege. Click Setup > Customization > Layouts. ...
Why are cases that are submitted through Websites, not captured in Cases module?
Sometimes, cases submitted through website are not captured if The password is changed after publishing the web–to-case form, or If the necessary Web form action entries in your HTML page are removed while customizing the web-to-case form.
Is it possible to send replies to customer queries from the Cases module?
No, you cannot send replies to customer queries from the Cases module.
What are all the various sources of cases?
The various sources of cases are phone, website portals, and e-mail, through which a customer contacts the company. Customer phone call: Add a case manually, based on the telephonic conversation with customers. Email message: Add a case manually, ...
Can I restrict the reports only to certain selected users?
Yes. You can restrict the reports only to certain selected users, roles, or groups. You can do so by creating a Report Folder and giving access to the users, roles, or groups. Follow the steps given below to create a report folder with restricted ...
Can I export certain selected records from CRM?
No. Currently we do not have the option to export certain selected records. However, you can create a report based on criteria (your requirement) and export the report. For more information, see Working with Reports.
What do FY and FQ mean?
FY stands for Financial Year and FQ for Financial Quarter. You can choose among these options when you generate reports in CRM.
How can I create reports and share it with other users?
Reports in CRM can be shared in two ways. Export and share them with users - Each report has an option to export as Excel, CSV and PDF files. Create a report's folder with the report and shared the folder with users - The report folders help you keep ...
Why do I get an error message when I try to create a report?
While creating a report you may get the following error message "Insufficient Privileges to perform this operation. Contact your Administrator." One of the following is the reason why you get this error message: Your administrator had not provided ...
Why am I not able to create reports for certain modules?
You will not be able to create reports for certain modules if, Your administrator had not provided you the access to the module for which you want to create reports. The module (tab) for which you want to create report is hidden. i.e. If you want to ...
Why am I unable to see some of the fields in Reports?
You may not be able to see some of the fields in reports if your administrator has disabled those fields. You can view only those fields that are displayed in your page layout. You can see the following set of data: Data to which you have the access ...
Can I schedule my reports and send to my colleagues periodically?
Yes, you can schedule reports delivery. After scheduling, reports are sent to the recipients' email ID with a link to access the specific report from the CRM - Reports module. You can also send the PDF document to the recipients.
Can I store all my personal reports in a folder?
Yes, you can store all your personal reports in a folder, which can be viewed only by you and users with System Administrator privilege. If required, you can also make report folders publicly visible to other users in your organization.
How to view reports?
All the standard and custom reports are available in Reports Home page. You can select the specific reports by clicking the Report link under Report folders.
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